Friday, December 27, 2019
Should Citizens Being Able For Interact And Communicate...
The importance of expatriates being able to interact and communicate with local nationals is emphasized by the contact theory assuming that interpersonal contacts between individuals from different cultures lead to understanding and adjustment. One of the ways that expatriate newcomers become aware of appropriate behaviours in the host country is interacting with host country nationals in a social setting, as local people would be the sources of information and help to understand. The successful expatriates are socially well-integrated. Therefore, expatriates who often communicate and interact with locals will be less surprised and frustrated by differences in non-work circumstances of the host country comparing with expatriates who are socially isolated from the host culture. In the host country, inappropriate behaviours are more likely to result in negative outcomes, leading the expatriate to make the wrong attributions about the culture of the host country and consequently to fur ther withdraw from it. Avoiding interaction with the host country nationals in daily life outside work leads expatriates to ignore local thinking and mentality, which affects their ability to assess work situations and make them develop inaccurate assumptions about the people they are managing. However, others have argued that to bring about adjustment merely interacting with host nationals is not enough, suggesting that adjustment will be facilitated if the expatriates have the cultural empathyShow MoreRelatedHow Poor Intercultural Communication Affects International Commerce and Foreign Policy1450 Words  | 6 PagesFrance Opposes Turkey Entering the European Union Communication within one cultural group sharing traditions and national or regional identity is often effortless. The social and cultural meanings between the same cultures in regard to communication are understood the way they are intended. When discourse happens within members of the same social groups; they will communicate, talk, discuss in similar places that all members of that culture attend or visit like bars, schools, shopping malls,Read MoreImportance Of Developing Global Citizenship976 Words  | 4 PagesJohnson April 03, 2017â€Æ' Importance of Developing Global Citizenship Global citizenship can be directly translated to mean citizen of the world, however, in a more educated way it is referred to as being part of the larger community of all humanity. One way or another, we are all global citizens’, for example, by the virtue of study abroad programs, students interact with local communities leading to civil engagements; our career choice also influences a lot of travel around the world. Research isRead MoreImmigration Policy Should Be Reformed1585 Words  | 7 PagesStates because there are political, economic, and multicultural benefits; therefore, immigration policy should be reformed to allow and encourage immigration. First of all, immigrants positively benefit the United States in which most of the time is not understood. One of the most important political rights is that all persons born in the U.S. are automatically citizens. Immigrants have been able to live in any place where they please, buy a house, land, or business without restrictions helping theRead MoreThe Implementation Of Media And Communications Policies1672 Words  | 7 Pages Within a few decades, many communication technologies grew from simply new tools that contributed to more efficient communicate to a central aspect of everyday life. These technologies have become â€Å"a culture-building instrument in most societies†(Madojemu, 2015, p. 1). 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Technology differs among the countries, as well. Americans generally have one or more television sets with cable or satellite access and multiple cellular phones in the household (Chen Starosta, 2000). In the United States, landline phones have become virtually obsolete, as cell phone usage h as drastically increased. Americans will typically access the internet for local and national news althoughRead MoreShort Term Implication Of Snow Angels1691 Words  | 7 PagesLocal News Vancouver’s â€Å"Snow Angels†busy in brutal winter weather Issues that had affected older adults During the winter season in Vancouver last December seniors especially those with limited mobility found it challenging to shovel the snow on their side walk. This also has made it difficult for seniors to walk out of their home and leave their house if the snow is not cleared. Seniors practically for those riding scooters, wheel chairs, cane, or walker has find the road too slippery to travelRead MoreCommunity Oriented Policing : Community Policing5820 Words  | 24 Pagesantagonistic interactions with the police (Cao et al.,1996). It was shown also that citizens hold police responsible for disorder (Cao et al.,1996). It was noted that disorder does not necessarily need to refer to infractions of law but neighborhood problems that may not even be susceptible to regulation by police (Cao et al.,1996). This responsibility that the public bestows onto police was later explained by the researchers as being due to the public viewing the police as the government’s first-line representativesRead MoreImpact Of Globalization On The Economy2474 Words  | 10 Pagesmaterials were processed for local consumption. Trade between different regions was very limited. Today, the economies of most countries are so interconnected that they form part of a single, interdependent global economy. Globalization has been defined as â€Å"the process of international integrating arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. †With this meaning, perspectives, social norms, an d business conducts are being exchanged across cultures. ItRead MoreThe Theory of Goal Attainment by Imogene King1861 Words  | 7 Pagesadvance the nursing profession and discipline. (George.J.B, 2011) King’s theory of goal attainment has been used in the educational and clinical settings for many ages. She has served on committees for the American Nurses Association at the local, national and nationwide level. She mentored many undergraduate and graduate nurses that have gone on to become leaders. Theory of goal attainment was first introduced by Imogene King in the early 1960’s. This theory refers to a dynamic, interpersonal
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Causes Of Death In A Rose For Emily - 862 Words
Have you ever wondered about how some deaths are caused unintentionally? Have you wondered if they are caused intentionally? Well, that is somewhat the plotline of the short story A Rose for Emily. In the short story, the townspeople constantly hound Emily day after day because of the leniency she is given. However little do the townspeople know she is harboring a deep secret. Miss Emily has kept the body of a former lover deep within her home for years. When the townspeople first find out about what she has done they think about only the disgusting side of the situation. The citizens use it as if it were drama to be spread instead of how it should be. It should be treated with seriousness and care because of the severity of the†¦show more content†¦Second, was the unwillingness of the people to act upon their suspicions. The townspeople start to get suspicious about Emily and start to realize things. However, the townspeople do nothing about their nor do they act on their s uspicions. This is what could also lead the townspoeple to being responsible. To exemplify, when the townspeople smell the disgusting smell they only ask to get rid of the smell not to truly investigate the original cause of it. That is what could also have led to his death. Another example is when they have suspicions about the real reason as to why Homer isnt seen very often. This clear cut example is quite possibly the biggest one to show and to date. The townspeople saw that Homer had gone into the house however none of them had seen him leave ever. This should have at least caused some worry or suspicion but alas none of the townspeople act on their suspicions. Therefore Homer died when he really should not have. If the townspeople acted upon their questioning as to why he had never left they may have been able to save his life. Although this was a big reason as to why Homer may have died it is not the only one. The last reason as to why they may have been the cause of his death is because of the general distaste the townspeople have for Miss Emily. The townspeople have not liked Miss Emily because of many free tickets she has been given throughout life. Her father helped out the town she lives inShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast â€Å"the Flowers†and â€Å"a Rose for Emily†Essay712 Words  | 3 PagesCompare and Contrast â€Å"The Flowers†and â€Å"A Rose for Emily†In comparing Alice Walker’s story â€Å"The Flowers†with that of William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily,†there are similarities and differences. The main difference in the stories is the way the characters react to the deaths. There are similarities such as the main characters of both stories personally face a dead body, both stories share the symbolism of flowers, and both present a theme of death. In â€Å"The Flowers,†Myop innocently stumblesRead MoreSexism, Racism, and Class in A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner638 Words  | 3 Pagesin A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner is a story about the life of an old woman. The narrator reveals the main events of her life, such as the death of her father, the disappearance of her lover, and the events surrounding her death, and the thoughts of the townspeople on Emily and her life as heard from the gossipy people of the town. One theme -- or central idea -- of the story is how narrow-minded attitudes can cause others to withdraw. Emily isRead MoreA Rose for Emily Essay examples1156 Words  | 5 PagesStuck in the past in â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by Faulkner Change causes a person to do things out of the norm. It is common for people to fear change. Most people although afraid will accept the changes and adapt to it. Others will control that change unwilling to adhere to the new and unfamiliar way of things. Many are stuck in the past, in the traditions that guide their lives. Emily Grierson is a product of the Old South, rich in traditions and set in her ways. The New south means change; traditionsRead MoreSimilar Themes in A Rose for Emily, The Garden Party, and Everyday Use851 Words  | 3 Pagesmeanings. The three short stories, A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner, The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield, and Everyday Use by Alice Walker all share some similar themes and ideas that require some digging to uncover and bring to the surface. The main analysis this essay with cover is comparing how the three stories discuss and express class and heritage, as well as how death can cause people to not only think things in a different way but also how death can open your eyes to something youRead MoreCompare A P And A Rose For Emily1667 Words  | 7 PagesAP + A Rose for Emily AP by John Updike and A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner are two short stories which reveal to be different, odd and even bizarre in several aspects; conversely, on the other hand, they are very similar. One similarity for John Updike, William Faulkner and many other authors, is being that they follow the three-act structure, which helps to write their story more effectively. Furthermore, in analyzing AP and A Rose for Emily, we see that both share an â€Å"overarching†theme;Read More Isolation And Loneliness in A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner807 Words  | 4 PagesIsolation And Loneliness in A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner In many works of literature, some characters isolate themselves from society due to certain events that happen in their life that make them isolate themselves. Isolation from the society can cause loneliness in ones life. In â€Å"A Rose For Emily†, William Faulkner suggests that isolation from society can cause people to do unspeakable acts because they are lonely. The main character, Emily Grierson lives her lifeRead MoreSymbolism in a Rose for Emily1508 Words  | 7 Pagessignificance to the story. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, William Faulkner effectively uses symbolism to illustrate the fading glory of the Old South giving away to the progress of reconstruction and the new century. It also plays a role in understanding the whole meaning of the story and why Emily is a tragic figure as opposed to an evil person. The gray strand of hair found on the pillow next to Homer Barron’s corpse is a symbol that represents lost love and perverse action of Miss Emily. The hair represents MissRead MoreAnalysis of William Faulkners A Rose for Emily Essay1187 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily†In â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, William Faulkner uses symbolism, imagery, simile and tone. Faulkner uses these elements to lead his characters to an epiphany of letting go of out-dated traditions and customs. The resistance to change and loneliness are prominent themes within â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. Faulkner uses â€Å"A Rose for Emily†to caution his readers that things are not always what they appear to be. The tone of â€Å"A Rose for Miss Emily†could be describedRead MoreA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner1577 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"A Sarah Markins Dr. Bibby ENG 107 February 11, 2015 â€Å"A Rose for Emily†by William Faulkner â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, written by William Faulkner in 1931, follows a series of peculiar events in Miss Emily Griersons life. Written in third person limited, Faulkner utilizes flashbacks to tell of the period between the death of Emily’s father and her own passing. Split into five short sections, the story starts out with the townspeople of Jefferson remembering Emily’s legacy and how each new generation ofRead MoreInside The Mind Of Emily Grierson1437 Words  | 6 PagesInside The Mind of Emily Grierson Mental illness is not an uncommon thing to come across when faced with traumatic or psychologically damaging events. It is a combination of both of these in the case of Emily Grierson within William Faulkner’s short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. A strong reliance on her father due to his strict rule prohibiting her from seeing other men combined with his passing and initially denial of his death results in Miss Emily being both mentally unstable and completely disconnected
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Of Watermelons Wisdom free essay sample
In unlocking the enigma of a persons life, childhood often stands as the essential key to its secrets. Without the child even recognizing it, a single moment or a single person exerts an enormous impact. Now, reflecting on my childhood, I realize with increasing certainty that, in my life, that person was my grandmother. During my childhood, I had many favorites my favorite show, song, ice cream, and even my favorite fruit, the watermelon. Because I loved it so much, I was determined to grow my own. When I told my mother, she laughed. She told me that it would never grow, yet I refused to be disillusioned. Lacking my mothers approval, I turned instead to my grandmother. She told me that if I wanted to grow watermelons, then I should do it. I can still hear her words, Jeanne Marie, if you want something in life, you have to work for it. We will write a custom essay sample on Of Watermelons Wisdom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If you dont chase your dreams, theyll fly away. She spoke to my heart, inspiring me. I grew more intent on my mission, blissfully slaving over my watermelon patch. I dried seeds from one of my pieces of fruit, and then planted them in the earth behind my home. Day after day, I watered and checked the soil for any signs of growth, and day, after day, I was disappointed. My grandmother urged me on, telling me not to give up hope, In todays world, Jeanne Marie, your dream is the one thing no one can take away. As I later learned in Latin class, I had come, I had seen, but I had yet to conquer. In spite of my grandmothers words, delusion captured me. Then, just as I had given up hope, a plant emerged from the ground. I monitored its growth by the minute, recording every centimeter, every inch it grew. And then, my mothers casual announcement, By the way, Jeannie, Were moving. For the next year, I was convinced that back in my old home, another child was eating my home-grown watermelon. I realize now that even with my constant care, in such a harsh climate, no plant could mature enough for its melon to bloom. But when I was a child, believing was enough. My grandmother had a tremendous impact on my life. She taught me if you reach for your dreams, they can come true. She taught me to believe in rainbows and blue skies, in dreams and singing birds. She taught me to believe in watermelons.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
When The Legends Die by Hal Borland free essay sample
Review of personal response to Ute Indians struggle to find his place in white culture while preserving traditional cultural connections. When the Legends Die (Borland, 1963) describes the struggle of Tom Black Bull, a Ute Indian born shortly before 1910, to find his place in the world. Because his father is a fugitive, Toms childhood is spent in the mountains of Colorado with only his parents, living as Indians had lived for generations, hunting and gathering, in harmony with the land and with animals. During his boyhood, Toms father and then his mother die, but Tom continues to live in the mountains with a bear cub he calls his brother. When Tom is eleven, Blue Elk, paid by the Indian agent, brings Tom to the reservation school where he and his bear cub are held captive. When Tom escapes, he discovers that Blue Elk has stolen his belongings and burned his lodge. We will write a custom essay sample on When The Legends Die by Hal Borland or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With no home remaining, Tom returns to the reservation school where he dresses like a white and does
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Biography of Pancho Villa, Mexican Revolutionary
Biography of Pancho Villa, Mexican Revolutionary Francisco Pancho Villa (born Josà © Doroteo Arango Armbula; June 5, 1878–July 20, 1923) was a Mexican revolutionary leader who advocated for the poor and land reform. He helped lead the Mexican Revolution, which ended the reign of Porfirio Dà az and led to the creation of a new government in Mexico. Today, Villa is remembered as a folk hero and a champion of the lower classes. Fast Facts: Pancho Villa Known For: Villa was a leader of the Mexican Revolution, which overturned the government of Mexico.Also Known As: Josà © Doroteo Arango Armbula, Francisco VillaBorn: June 5, 1878 in San Juan del Rà o, Durango, MexicoParents: Agustà n Arango and Micaela ArmbulaDied: July 20, 1923 in Parral, Chihuahua, MexicoSpouse(s): Unknown (according to legend, he was married more than 70 times) Early Life Pancho Villa was born Josà © Doroteo Arango Armbula on June 5, 1878. He was the son of a sharecropper at the hacienda in San Juan del Rio, Durango. While growing up, Pancho Villa witnessed and experienced the harshness of peasant life. In Mexico during the late 19th century, the rich were becoming richer by taking advantage of the lower classes, often treating them like slaves. When Villa was 15, his father died, so Villa began to work as a sharecropper to help support his mother and four siblings. One day in 1894, Villa came home from the fields to find that the owner of the hacienda intended to have sex with Villas 12-year old sister. Villa, only 16 years old, grabbed a pistol, shot the owner of the hacienda, and then took off for the mountains. Exile From 1894 to 1910, Villa spent most of his time in the mountains running from the law. At first, he did what he could to survive by himself. By 1896, however, he had joined up with some other bandits and become their leader. Villa and his group of bandits would steal cattle, rob shipments of money, and commit other crimes against the wealthy. Because he stole from the rich and often shared his spoils with the poor, some saw Villa as a modern-day Robin Hood. It was during this time that Doroteo Arango began using the name Francisco Pancho Villa. (Pancho is a common nickname for Francisco.) There are many theories as to why he chose that name. Some say it was the name of a bandit leader he had met; others say it was Villas fraternal grandfathers last name. Villas notoriety as a bandit and his prowess at escaping capture caught the attention of men who were planning a revolution against the Mexican government. These men understood that Villas skills would make him an excellent guerilla fighter during the revolution. Mexican Revolution Since Porfirio Diaz, the sitting president of Mexico, had created many of the current problems for the poor and Francisco Madero promised change for the lower classes, Pancho Villa decided to join Maderos cause and agreed to be a leader in the revolutionary army. From October 1910 to May 1911, Pancho Villa was a very effective military leader. However, in May 1911, Villa resigned from command because of differences he had with another commander, Pascual Orozco, Jr. Orozco Rebellion On May 29, 1911, Villa married Maria Luz Corral and tried to settle into a quiet domestic life. Unfortunately, though Madero had become president, political unrest again appeared in Mexico. Orozco, angered by being left out of what he considered his rightful place in the new government, challenged Madero by starting a new rebellion in the spring of 1912. Once again, Villa gathered troops and worked with General Victoriano Huerta to support Madero in quashing the rebellion. Prison In June 1912, Huerta accused Villa of stealing a horse and ordered him to be executed. A reprieve from Madero came for Villa at the very last minute, but Villa was still remitted to prison. He remained in prison from June 1912 to when he escaped on December 27, 1912. More Fighting and Civil War By the time Villa escaped from prison, Huerta had switched from a Madero supporter to a Madero adversary. On February 22, 1913, Huerta killed Madero and claimed the presidency for himself. Villa then allied himself with Venustiano Carranza to fight against Huerta. He was extremely successful, winning battle after battle during the next several years. After Villa conquered Chihuahua and other northern areas, he spent much of his time reallocating land and stabilizing the economy. In the summer of 1914, Villa and Carranza split and became enemies. For the next several years, Mexico continued to be embroiled in a civil war between the factions of Pancho Villa and Venustiano Carranza. Raid on Columbus, New Mexico The United States took sides in the battle and supported Carranza. On March 9, 1916, Villa attacked the town of Columbus, New Mexico. His was the first foreign attack on American soil since 1812. The United States sent several thousand soldiers across the border to hunt for Villa. Though they spent over a year searching, they never caught him. Peace On May 20, 1920, Carranza was assassinated and Adolfo De la Huerta became the interim president of Mexico. De la Huerta wanted peace in Mexico, so he negotiated with Villa for his retirement. Part of the peace agreement was that Villa would receive a hacienda in Chihuahua. Death Villa retired from revolutionary life in 1920 but had only a short retirement, for he was gunned down in his car on July 20, 1923. He was buried in Parral, Chihuahua. Legacy For his role in the Mexican Revolution, Villa became a folk hero. His life has inspired numerous films, including The Life of General Villa, Viva Villa!, and Pancho Villa Returns. Sources Katz, Friedrich. The Life and Times of Pancho Villa. Stanford University Press, 1998.Knight, Alan. The Mexican Revolution: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2016.McLynn, Frank. Villa and Zapata: A History of the Mexican Revolution. Basic Books, 2008.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Meanings of French Homophones
Meanings of French Homophones Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings and, sometimes, spellings. Therefore, French homophones can cause difficulties in oral comprehension and spelling. These pages should help you to understand the difference between the most common French homophones. French Homophones: A a - first letter of the French alphabeta - third person singular conjugation of avoir (to have)   Il a une question - He has a question (preposition) - to, at, in   Je vais la banque - Im going to the bankabaisse(s) - singular conjugations of abaisser (to lower)   Abaisse le drapeau - Lower the flagune abaisse - rolled-out pastry   Jai fait une abaisse de 5 mm - I rolled out the pastry to 5 mmune abbesse - abbess   Labbesse habite au couvent - The abbess lives in the conventaccro - (inf adj) hooked, addictedun accro - addict, lover   Je suis accro de franà §ais - Im a French lover/addictun accroc - tear, blotai - first person singular present indicative conjugation of avoir (to have)   Jai une idà ©e - I have an ideaaie - first person singular subjunctive of avoiraient - third person plural subjunctive of avoiraies - second person singular subjunctive of avoirait - third person singular subjunctive of avoires - second person singular present indicative of à ªtre (to be)est - third person singular present indicative of à ªtreet - (conjunction) and   Il est grand et beau - He is tall and handsomeun aide - male assistant   Je vais embaucher un aide - Im going to hire an assistantune aide - help, assistance, female assistant   Jai besoin de votre aide - I need your helpair, aire - see rune amande - almond   Jaime bien la pà ¢te aux amandes - I really like almond pasteune amende - fine   Tu dois payer une amende de 50 euros - You have to pay a 50-euro finean - year   Jhabite ici depuis un an - Ive lived here for a yearen (adverbial pronoun) - of it/them   Jen veux trois - I want three of themen (preposition) - to, in   Je vais en France - Im going to Franceaoà »t - August   Il ny a pas de cours en aoà »t - There are no classes in AugustHou ! - Boo! une houe - hoele houx - hollyou (coordinating conjunction) - or   Cest toi ou moi ? - Is it your turn or mine?oà ¹ (relative pronoun) - where   Oà ¹ vas-tu ? - Where are you going?au (contraction of le) - to the   Je vais au marchà © - Im going to the marketaux - to the (contraction of les)eau - watero - the letter ooh (interjection) - ohaussità ´t (adverb) - immediately   Aussità ´t dit, aussità ´t fait - No sooner said than doneaussi tà ´t - as/so early   Jarriverai aussi tà ´t que possible - I will arrive as early as possibleun autel - altar   Il y a toujours des fleurs sur lautel - There are always flowers on the altarun hà ´tel - hotel   Je cherche un hà ´tel Paris - Im looking for a hotel in Parisun auteur - author   Cest un auteur connu - Hes a well-known authorune hauteur - height   Quelle est la hauteur de la porte ? - How tall is the door?un avocat - avocadoun avocat - lawyer B b - the second letter of the alphabetbà ©e - open-mouthed   Il reste bouche bà ©e - He is standing open-mouthed (in wonder)bai (horse) - bayune baie - bay   Jhabite prà ¨s de la baie - I live near the bayune baie - berryun bar - bar/pub   Il y a un bar amà ©ricain prà ¨s dici - Theres an American bar nearbyun bar - bass   Je ne sais pas prà ©parer le bar - I dont know how to prepare bassune barre - bar (rod), barre, helm   Pourquoi y a-t-il une barre ici ? - Why is there a bar here?(un) Beur - (informal) second-generation North African (verlan of Arabe)le beurre - butterbois - first and second person singular of boire (to drink)   Je ne bois pas dalcool - I dont drink alcoholle bois - wood   Nous avons un four bois - We have a wood stoveboit - third person singular of boirela boue - mudle bout - tipun boum - bang, explosion   Et puis boum ! tout est tombà © - And then boom! everything fell downun boum - ( familiar) success   Je nai jamais vu un tel boum - Ive never seen such (incredible) successle boum - (familiar) activity   La fà ªte est en plein boum - The partys in full swingune boum - (informal) party   La boum commence 22h - The party starts at 10pmun brin - blade (of grass)   Le chien a mangà © un brin dherbe - The dog ate a blade of grassun brin - (informal) a bit   Un brin plus haut, sil te plaà ®t - A bit higher, pleasebrun - dark-haired   Le brun est plus beau que le blond - The dark-haired man is more handsome than the blondNote: These two words arent homophones for everyone; some French speakers make a distinction between in and un. bu - past participle of of boirele but - goal (note that some people pronounce the final t) C c - letter of the French alphabetces (demonstrative adjective) - these   Jaime ces fleurs - I like these flowerscest - it/this is   Cest difficile de trouver un bon emploi - Its hard to find a good jobsais - first and second person singular present indicative of savoir (to know)   Je ne sais pas - I dont knowsait - third person singular present indicative of savoirses (possessive adjective) - his, her, its   Voici ses livres - Here are his/her bookssest - reflexive pronoun se third person singular of à ªtre (to be)   Il sest dà ©j habillà ©Ã‚ - He already got dressedà §a indefinite demonstrative pronoun - it, that   Je naime pas à §a - I dont like thatsa (possessive adjective) - his, her, its   Cest sa sÅ“ur - Thats his/her sistercar (conjunction) - since, for   La rà ©union fut annulà ©e car le prà ©sident est malade - The meeting was canceled since the president is sickun quart - quarter   un kilo et quart - one and a quarter kilosce (indefinite demonstrative pronoun) - this, it   Ce doit à ªtre un bon restaurant - This must be a good restaurantse - reflexive pronoun   Il se là ¨ve huit heures - He gets up at 8 oclockcelle - see selcen - contraction of ce  en (adverbial pronoun)   Cen est trop - This is too muchcent - one hundred   Jai cent dollars - I have a hundred dollarsle sang - blood   Il y a du sang sur ta chemise - Theres blood on your shirtsans (preposition) - without   Je suis sorti sans manger - I went out without eatingsen - se  en   Il sen venait tranquillement - He was approaching unhurriedlysens - first and second person singular of sentir (to feel, smell)sent - third person singular of sentir   Ã⠀¡a sent bon !  - That smells good!censà ©Ã‚ - supposed to   Je suis censà © partir midi - Im supposed to leave at noonsensà ©Ã‚ - sensible   Cest un homme sensà ©Ã‚ - Hes a sensible mancest vowel or mute h (due to liaison)   Cest une bonne idà ©e - Thats a good ideacet - masculine demonstrative adjective in front of a vowel/mute h   Cet homme est beau - That man is handsomecette - feminine demonstrative adjective   Cette femme est belle - That woman is beautifulsept - seven   Jai sept chats - I have seven catssest vowel or mute h   Il sest habillà © tout seul - He got dressed all by himselfSà ¨te - a village in southern Francecà ©tait - it was   Cà ©tait formidable - It was greatsà ©tait - se third person singular imperfect of à ªtre   Il sà ©tait dà ©j levà ©Ã‚ - He had already gotten upsà ©taient - se third pe rson plural imperfect of à ªtre   Elles sà ©taient habillà ©es - They had gotten dressedla chair - fleshla chaire - pulpit, post, (university) chair   Ils vont crà ©er une chaire darabe - Theyre going to create a chair of Arabiccher - dear, expensive   un cher ami - a dear friendchÅ“ur - choir, chorus   Jaimerais bien à ©couter le chÅ“ur - Id really like to listen to the choircÅ“ur - heart   Il a le cÅ“ur malade - He has a weak heartchouette - great, nice   Je laime bien, elle est chouette - I really like her, shes greatchouette - owl   As-tu vu la chouette hier soir ?  - Did you see the owl last night?-ci - this (suffix)   Cet arbre-ci est plus joli que celui-l - This tree is prettier than that onescie - saw   Il doit acheter une nouvelle scie - He needs to buy a new sawsi - if   Si tu es prà ªt... - If youre - yes (in response to a negative question)   Tu ne viens pas ? Si ! - Arent you coming? Yes!six - sixsy - se  y (adverbial pronoun)   Il est temps de sy mettre - Its time to get on with itun compte - account, count, calculationun comte - count   Le Comte de Monte Cristo - The Count of Monte Cristoun conte - storycool - cool   Ça cest cool - Thats coolcoule(s) - singular indicative conjugations of couler (to run, flow)   Le Rhà ´ne coule du nord au sud - The Rhone flows from north to southle cou - neck   Pourquoi les girafes ont-ils de longs cous ? - Why do giraffes have long necks?le coup - blow   Il a pris un coup sur la tà ªte - He took a blow to the headle coà »t - cost   le coà »t de la vie - the cost of livingla cour - yard, courtyard   Je vais planter des fleurs dans la cour - Im going to plant some flowers in the yardle cours - course   Jai bien aimà © ce cours - I really liked this coursecourt - short   Ce chemin est plus court - This way is shorterle court - tennis courtle cul - assq - letter of the French alphabetle cygne - swan   Jai vu un cygne sur là ©tang - I saw a swan on the pondle signe - sign, gesture   Je ne comprends pas le signe que tu as fait - I dont understand the sign you made D d - letter of the French alphabetun dà ©Ã‚ - thimble, die   Jai besoin de deux dà ©s - I need two dicedes (indefinite article) - somedes (partitive article) - somedes (contraction of de  les) - of/about thedans (preposition) - in   Cest dans le tiroir - Its in the drawerden - preposition de  en (adverbial pronoun)   Nous navons pas fini den parler - We havent finished talking about itune dent - tooth   Je me brosse les dents - Im brushing my teethdavantage - more   En voulez-vous davantage ? - Would you like some more?davantage - de avantage (advantage)   Ce poste manque davantages - This job doesnt have (many) advantagesde (preposition) - of, from, about   Je suis de Californie - Im from Californiadeux - two   Jai deux frà ¨res - I have two brothersNote: These are not true homophones because they have differen t phonetic symbols, but their pronunciation is nearly identical.dà ©goà »ter - to disgust   Ça me dà ©goà »te - That disgusts medà ©goutter - to drip   De leau dà ©goutte de la table - Water is dripping off the tableun dessein (formal) - design, plan, intention   Il a le dessein de le refaire - He plans/intends to redo itun dessin - drawing   Cest un joli dessin - Its a nice drawingle diesel - diesel fuel   Cette station na pas de diesel - This station doesnt have any diesella diesel - diesel automobile   Cest une diesel - Its a diesel car / It takes dieselun don - gift, talent, donation   Il a un don pour le tennis - He has a gift for tennisdont - relative pronoun   Cest le livre dont je tai parlà ©Ã‚ - Its the book I told you aboutdu (partitive article) - some   Veux-tu du pain ?  - Do you want some bread?du - of/about the (contraction of de  le)dà »Ã‚ - past participle of devoir (to have to) E e - letter of the French alphabeteuh (interjection) - uh, um, er   Il y a, euh, trois choses faire - There are, um, three things to doeux (stressed pronoun) - them   Cest pour eux - Its for themNote: The letter e is not a true homophone because it has a different phonetic symbol than the other two, but their pronunciation is nearly identical.-à ©Ã‚ - past participle ending for -er verbs   parlà ©, chantà ©, dansà ©Ã‚ - spoke, sang, danced-er - infinitive ending for -er verbs   parler, chanter, danser - to speak, to sing, to dance-ez - ending for second person plural indicative and imperative of most verbs   (vous) parlez, chantez, dansez - (you) speak, sing, danceeau - see auelle (stressed pronoun) - her   Va avec elle. - Go with her.elle (subject pronoun) - she   Elle le fera demain - Shell do it tomorrow.elles (stressed pronoun) - them   I did it for them. - Je lai fait pour elles.elles (subject pronoun) - they   Elles viennent avec nous ? - Are they coming with us?l - letter of the French alphabeten - see anentre - between, among   entre toi et moi - between you and meentre(s) - singular conjugations of entrer (to enter)à ¨re - see res - see aià ¨s - see sun espace - space, room   Y a-t-il de lespace ?  - Is there any room?une espace - printing space   Il faut mettre une espace entre ces mots - We need to put a space between these wordsune Espace - car model from Renault   Je vais acheter une Espace - Im going to buy an Espaceest, et - see aià ©tà ©Ã‚ - past participle of à ªtre (to be)   Qui a à ©tà © blessà ©Ã‚ ? - Who was hurt?un à ©tà ©Ã‚ - summer   Jaime voyager en à ©tà ©Ã‚ - I like to travel in the summerà ªtre - to beun à ªtre - being   un à ªtre humain - human beingun hà ªtre - beech tree/woodeu - past participle of avoir (to have)   Je nai pas eu loccasion de le faire - I didnt have a chance to do itu - letter of the French alphabet F la faim - hunger   La faim dans le monde - World hungerla fin - end   Cest la fin - Thats the endun fait - fact   Ce nest pas mon opinion, cest un fait - Its not my opinion, its a factun faà ®te - summit, rooftop(vous) faites - second person plural indicative and imperative of faire (to do, make)   Que faites-vous ? - What are you doing?une fà ªte - party   quelle heure commence la fà ªte ? - What time does the party begin?le fard - make-upla phare - lighthouseun fil - thread, yarn, string   Jai tirà © un fil mon pull - I pulled a thread in my sweaterune file - line, queue   Il a dà ©j pris la file - He already got in lineun filtre - filter   Je nai plus de filtres cafà ©Ã‚ - I dont have any more coffee filtersun philtre - potion   Crois-tu que les philtres damour peuvent marcher ? - Do you thi nk love potions work?final - (adj) final, last   Cest la scà ¨ne finale - Its the last scenele finale - finale (music)   Ont-ils fait un finale ? - Did they play a finale?la finale - final (sports)   Vas-tu jouer la finale ?  - Are you going to play in the final (round)?le flan - custard tart   Jaime bien les flans - I really like custard tartsle flanc - side, flank   Il est couchà © sur le flanc - Hes lying on his sidela foi - faith   Il faut avoir la foi - You have to have faithle foie - liver   Je naime pas le foie de volaille - I dont like chicken liverune fois - once, one time   Je lai fait une fois - I did it oncele fond - bottom, back, far end   Il faut aller jusquau fond - You have to go all the way to the backfond - third person singular indicative of fondre (to melt)   La neige fond dà ©j - The snow is already meltingfonds - first and second person singular indicative of fondrefont - third person plural indicative of faire (to do, make)   Quest-ce quils font ? - What are they doing?les fonts - baptismal fountle foudre - (iro nic) leader, large cask   Cest un foudre de guerre - (sarcastic) Hes a great war leaderla foudre - lightning   La foudre est tombà ©e sur la maison - Lightning struck the house   Ça a à ©tà © le coup de foudre - It was love at first sight G g - letter of the alphabetjai (contraction of je first person singular conjugation of avoir [to have]) - I havele gà ¨ne - gene   Cest un gà ¨ne dominant - Its a dominant genela gà ªne - trouble, bother, embarrassment   Il à ©prouve une certaine gà ªne avaler - Hes having trouble swallowinggà ªne(s) - singular conjugations of gà ªner (to bother, embarrass)   Ça ne me gà ªne pas - It doesnt bother mele gà ®te - shelter, cottage, ~ bed and breakfast   Nous avons logà © dans un gà ®te - We stayed in a bed and breakfastla gà ®te - list, inclination of ship   Le bateau donne de la gà ®te - The boat is listingle greffe - court clerks office   Oà ¹ se trouve le greffe ? - Where is the court clerks office?la greffe - transplant, graft   Il a besoin dune greffe du cÅ“ur - He needs a heart transplantguà ¨re - hardlyà ‚   Il nen reste plus guà ¨re - Theres hardly any leftla guerre - war   Cest une guerre civile - Its a civil warun guide - guide (book or person)   Jai achetà © un guide gastronomique - I bought a restaurant guideune guide ~ girl scout/guide   Ma fille veut à ªtre guide - My daughter wants to be a girl scout/guideles guides (f) - reins   Il faut tirer sur les guides - You have to pull on the reins H la haine - hatredn - letter of the alphabethauteur - see auteurhà ªtre - see à ªtrele hockey - hockey   Il joue au hockey. - He plays hockey.le hoquet - hiccup   Jai le hoquet. - I have hiccups.hà ´tel - see autelhou, houe, houx - see aoà »t French Homophones: I i - letter of the alphabety - adverbial pronoun   Il y est allà © hier - He went there yesterdayil (subject pronoun) - he, it   Il est mà ©decin - Hes a doctorils (subject pronoun) - they   Ils ne sont pas prà ªts - They arent readyNote: In informal French, il and ils are commonly pronounced like i. J j - letter of the alphabetjy - contraction of je and y (adverbial pronoun)   Jy vais ! - Im going!jai - see gle jars - gander   Nous avons une oie et un jars - We have one goose and one ganderla jarre - earthenware jar   Jai trouvà © une jarre antique - I found an antique jarjeune - young   Il est trà ¨s jeune - He is very youngun/e jeune - young personle jeà »ne - fast, fasting   Cest un jour de jeà »ne - Its a fast day L l - see ellela (feminine definite article) - the   la pomme - the applela (feminine direct object pronoun) - her, it   Je la vois - I see herl - here, there   Il nest est pas l - Hes not therela - contraction of le or la third person singular of avoir (to have)   Il la achetà ©Ã‚ - He bought itlas - contraction of le or la second person singular of avoir   Tu las vu ? - You saw him?le lac - lakela laque - lacquer, shellac, hairsprayleur (indirect object pronoun) - them   Je leur donne les clà ©s - Im giving them the keysleur(s) (possessive adjective) - their   Cest leur maison - Its their housele(s)/la leur(s) (possessive pronoun) - theirs   Cest le leur - Its theirsun leurre - delusion, illusion, deception, trap, lure, decoylheur - good fortune (ironic)   Je nai pas eu lheur de le co nnaà ®tre - I didnt have the good fortune of knowing himlheure - hour, time   lheure actuelle - At the present timele livre - book   Comment sappelle ce livre ? - What is this book called? la livre - pound   Ça pà ¨se deux livres et coà »te cinq livres - That weighs two pounds and costs five poundslon - euphonic contraction of le  on   Ce que lon a fait - What we didlont - contraction of le or la third person plural of avoir   Ils lont dà ©j achetà ©Ã‚ - They already bought itlong - long   Ne sois pas trop long - Dont take too long M ma (possessive adjective) - my   ma mà ¨re - my motherma - contraction of me (object pronoun) third person singular avoir (to have)   Il ma vu - He saw memas - contraction of me second person singular avoir   Tu mas regardà ©Ã‚ - You looked at mele maire - mayorla mer - seala mà ¨re - mothermai - May   On est le premier mai - Its the first of Mayla maie - bread boxmais - but   Mais je ne suis pas prà ªt ! - But Im not ready!mes (possessive adjective) - my   Oà ¹ sont mes clà ©s ? - Where are my keys?mes - contraction of me second person singular à ªtre (to be)   Tu mes trà ¨s cher - You are very dear to memest - contraction of me third person singular à ªtremet - third person singular conjugation of mettre (to put)   Il met le pain sur la table - Hes putting the bread on the tablemets - first and second person singular mettreun mets - dish   Tout le monde doit amener un mets partager - Everyone needs to bring a dish to sharemaà ®tre (adjective) - main, major, chiefle maà ®tre - master, teachermettre - to putmal - bad, badly, wrong   Jai mal dormi - I slept badlyle mal - evil, pain   Jai mal la tà ªte - I have a headachemà ¢le* - male, manly   Cest une voix mà ¢le - Its a manly voicela malle - trunk (suitcase or car)   Jai dà ©j fait ma malle - Ive already packed my trunk*This isnt a homophone for everyone; some French speakers make a distinction between a and à ¢Ã‚ marocain - Moroccan   Il est marocain - He is Moroccanle maroquin - morocco leatherune mine - expression, look   Il a la bonne mine - He looks goodune mine - mine   Cest une mine dor - Its a gold minemon (possessive a djective) - my   Voici mon pà ¨re - This is my fatherle mont - mountain   Jai grimpà © le mont Blanc - I climbed Mont Blancmont - contraction me third person plural conjugation of avoir   Ils mont vu - They saw memou - softla moue - poutun mur - wallmà »r - ripeune mà »re - blackberry N n - see haineneuf - new (nouveau vs neuf)neuf - nineni - neither   Ni lun ni lautre nest prà ªt - Neither one is readyle nid - nestnie(s) - singular conjugations of nier (to deny)   Il nie là ©vidence - He is denying the obviousnient - third person plural of nierny - contraction of ne  y (adverbial pronoun)   Il ny a pas de pain - There isnt any breadle nom - last name, nounnon - nonont - contraction of ne third person plural conjugation of avoir   Ils nont pas denfants - They dont have any kids
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personal Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Personal Responsibility - Essay Example Student B is saying, â€Å"The exam was very difficult for me, and I will not be surprised if I get an F, but, I should have known better and spent more time revising instead of playing video games†. Both cases are of course hypothetical; nevertheless they personify common phenomena in schools wherein some students take responsibility of their actions (B) and others like A want to abscond this. Ultimately, by accepting responsibility B has identified the problem hence has an idea of how to rectify the situation in posterity. â€Å"A†, on the other hand, might fail more exams in the future since he is not willing to take responsibility for his inactions and blames a third part whose errors he cannot rectify. This essay discusses the role of personal responsibility in students, as well as some of the strategies they may use to improve their chances of achieving success in their various field of study. It is the onus of every student to ensure they come up with the best pl ans and strategies, so they can guarantee their academic success. For a student to come up with these strategies, it is imperative they put into consideration first several factors, have the strategies they want to use been used before in similar circumstances? If so, were they successful? They could also consider the resources in terms of time and academic resources, so they make strategies, which they will be able to execute from within their budgeted time, and other resources. The past is also an important consideration when it comes to strategizing; before one makes any plans to improve themselves, it is crucial they consider what lead to their lackluster or mediocre performance in the past. A student wishing to see real improvement must first do a thorough post Mortem of the past performance, in order to identify the weak points in past plans and avoid repeating them in the new strategy. Student may apply the following are strategies to improve their performance; They should ta ke to account the learning styles which provide them with the best results this is the individuals preferred orientation toward learning (Bulut andYukselturk, 2007). Some students learn through class discussion others through listening in class and other by active research where they seek out the answers for themselves; the student should hence apply whichever technique, or combination of techniques, that works for them and hence adapt their plan to the most suitable learning theory for the best results. The student directly takes personal responsibility for their performance through setting personal goals, since they dictate, autonomously, the kind performance they wish to achieve. Operating in any situation without predetermined goals is analogous to running a race without a finish line. As such goals are a vital aspect of any accomplishment in academic pursuits, they can be measured in a number of ways depending on individual students such s Grades, or personal fitness and other forms of self-improvement like, read two books a week. Goals should be specific, measurable, and students should write them down and ensure they are in a place where they are seen daily, so they are a constant reminder. One should also have both long-term and short-term goals, the latter, which help them evaluate their
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