Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Framework Essay to Edward Said’s Essay Example for Free
Framework Essay to Edward Said’s Essay In any part in the world, there is no place to be but home. Home is a place where we feel safe and take refuge. But how we’ll feel if this is taken away from us? The essay by Edward Said, â€Å"States†, narrates the story of about his country, Palestine, and the struggle of his country men. He also shares the passion for his homeland which we can relate to. â€Å"States†exemplify the experiences and perceptions of how important a home is to a common Palestinian. Our country is a big part of our self. As we are born, we are destined to become a part of it. It became part of our identity. Things that we grew up with meant something to us. We usually treasure things that became part of our lives. Even unconsciously, we take hold of it. Home brings us memories, memories that we want to hold on up to our last breath. It plays a big role to our development, as a child and as a person fully. Home is part of ourselves which became a foundation of who we are today. To be away from home makes us feel empty or incomplete in a sense. This is experienced by people who are exiled from their own homeland. Exiles are treated as aliens and feel shame to one’s pride. Exile is a miserable thing. Nothing can be so embarrassing than to be taken away from home. It saddens a person to feel a stranger to his own country. One is not only deprived of the social rights but as well as the freedom. As described in the essay of Edward Said an exile is referred as â€Å"present absentees†where to their homeland, they are vanished and as for the host country they are viewed as aliens. However, having troubles cannot stop a person from his will. In spite of the intense conflict between the Palestine-Israel, one cannot take away the momentum of an important occasion like wedding. Circumstances like these were illustrated in the text. A person in the middle of crisis stays positive and hopeful. Palestinians, which travel from time to time for because of occupation and safety, became used to these. One’s true happiness is in the state of thinking. He can stay happy despite of his terrible condition. Said also shares his experiences from his youth and what he knew from his country. One sad part also is the stability of the land, suppression from your own land. One is deprived of being free on his own country. Children cannot play outside without parents worrying their safety. To a place where he grew up and know to be his home became an odd place. I believe that home is very important in any living thing. It doesn’t only provide us shelter but is also a part of our personal development. It helps us build our confidence through the feeling of security. A home is like a mother to us which provides us what we need to sustain living. Our nourishment as a child is fed by the things that happen around us. These things shape the character of a person. Home builds a person’s character. Home is the environment which we live in and has an impact on our lives. To take something away from us bring us the feeling of being incomplete. We are already attached to it. Without the home that we used to be, somehow we feel lost. One feels the sense of belongingness on it. A person learns from his surrounding. We must know how to appreciate what we have considering we live in a democratic and secured country. Home is a place that nourished us when we are young. And as we became old, there is nowhere else we would want to go but home.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Incest in Kings Row :: essays research papers
Shady characters permeate this film, but they can be easily forgotten under the thick melodrama that sweeps you into the storyline. Perhaps the most disturbing character to me was Dr. Tower. I mean, really, who is this guy? From the beginning I could detect a kind of strange dynamic between Cassie and her father. After she and Parris swim together as children, she says that if her father finds out she's been swimming with Parris, he would "take a switch" to her. At first I thought maybe he was strict about her coming straight home from school or something, but as soon as I heard about the mother staying in the home all of the time, it became more clear. Cassie's mother was not insane or ill but a victim of a possessive man. By confining his wife and daughter to the home, he isolated himself, making himself unknown to anyone else in the town. As in every small town people talked in Kings Row, and Dr. Tower avoided a lot of this gossip by not allowing anyone into or out of his home. Even at Cassie's birthday party, the guests were all outside, and when Parris enters the house to thank Dr. Tower, he is quickly shooed away to go home. Did anyone else think of Forrest Gump here? I had to think of Forrest and Jenny as children and how much their interactions were like that of Cassie and Parris. Both little girls had dark and deep secrets: they were victims of incest. Cassie is pulled out of school and is not allowed to leave the house. She is timid, skiddish, and cannot look Parris in the eye when he visits their home. Dr. Tower would like us to believe that she has gone insane, as he claims his wife was, and even Parris buys this. I almost wanted to scream when Parris says, "He must've known about us," commenting on Dr. Tower murdering his daughter and commiting suicide in order to prevent Parris from living a life with a psychotic wife. Yes, Dr. Tower did know about Parris and Cassie. He knew they had a sexual relationship, and that is why he killed Cassie. Perhaps the biggest clue was when Cassie comes screaming to Parris in the middle of the night for help and then refuses his request to walk her home. She probably knew that if Parris came home with her, her father, knowing about their relationship, would kill him as well.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay
To Kill A Mocking Bird the character Tactics is a major role model to his children. During the novel Tactics teaches his children many Important values. The main values include: everyone is equal, to put yourself in other peoples shoes, and not to Judge others before you get to know them. Everyone is equal Is a major value that Tactics teaches his children. He wants to teach them that no matter what color, social status or appearance people are people and they should be treated politely and fairly.An example of this Is where Tactics chooses to defend a Negro, he shows his children that although this man Is a Negro (despised by the white community) he Is going to defend him Like any other person. â€Å"If I TLD I couldn't hold my head up In town, I couldn't represent this country In the legislature, I couldn't tell you or Gem not to do something again. †This shows that If Tactics were to refuse to represent Tom, Just because he Is a Negro, he would utterly ashamed of himself. He teaches his children that It Is wrong to treat someone Like badly Just because of their different colored skin. L don't see any harm in letting her go out there. Called look after her there as well as she does here. †This quote shows that Tactics trusts this person. It shows that he considers her as an equal adult and see's her fit to look after his children out of work hours. This sends a hidden message to his children that everyone is equal no matter what status they have. Equality is a big value that Tactics teaches his children and as they grow up they learn this valuable lesson. Understanding others is another important value that Tactics wants to teach his children.He wants them to put themselves in other peoples shoes so they can better understand people and accept them for who they are. An example of this is when Scout starts talking about her first day of school and the topic comes to Miss Caroline â€Å"-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. †˜ Tactics said that I had learned many things today and Miss Caroline had learned several things herself. She had learned not to hand something to a Cunningham, but if Walter and I had put ourselves in her shoes we'd have seen it was only an honest mistake on her part†¦. By telling Scout this, Tactics is getting his values across to his daughter. Tactics is teaching her to ‘put herself in other people's shoes'. Another example of understanding others is when Mr.. Lowell insults Tactics. â€Å"Gem see if you can stand in bib Ell's shoes for a minute. I destroyed his last shred of credibility at that trial, if he had any to begin with. The man had to have some kind of comeback, his kind always does. So if spitting in my face and threatening me will save Male Lowell one extra beating, that's something I'll gladly take†¦.. Once again Tactics Is teaching his children this Important value. In the end Gem and Scout have a better understanding of people because of their fa thers values. Do not Judge other's before you meet them Is another Important value to Tactics. Tactics wants his children not to Judge people because of gossip. An example of this Is Tom Robinson. Everyone In the town assumed he was guilty straight away, Just because he Is a Negro. â€Å"that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women,†¦You know the truth and the truth is this: some Negroes lie, some is a truth that applies to the human race and not one particular race of men. †This is an important message as it is not only for Gem and Scout but for the whole community. It teaches them not to Judge on the color of skin. It also teaches them that although one may do wrong not all are like that. Another example of Judgment is Boo Raddled. He is portrayed as a evil person through rumors and gossip. As children Gem and Scout are terrified of Boo.They listen to all the gossip and stories and make up a mental picture that he is a horrible person. But as they grow Tactics teaches them not to Judge others before you meet them and they find out that Boo is actually a kind person. â€Å"†¦ Tactics, he was real nice†¦ â€Å"Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them. †It is at this stage that Scout learns this important value and starts understanding others. Tactics eventually teaches his children this extremely important value and it makes them better people.Tactics is an important role model for his children. He teaches them many important values to get them through life. The main focus of Attic's values relates to people and how you consider, understand, and Judge them. He teaches his children all of these values and they soon have a better understanding of people. As an important role model Tactics is partly responsible for their future, and by teaching his children these values he has given them a bright one. Word count: 905
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Film Review-Hunger Games - 3033 Words
The Hunger Games Review and Critique The Hunger Games is a fantasy adventure love story about a young girl from a poor district who volunteers to take her sister place to fight to the death in the 74th Annual Hunger Games in the country’s capitol city. â€Å"Every year in the ruins of what was once North America, the evil Capitol of the nation of Panem forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. A twisted punishment for a past uprising and an ongoing government intimidation tactic, The Hunger Games are a nationally televised event in which Tributes must fight with one another until one survivor remains.†(www.thehungergamesmovie.com) Prior to being a film, The Hunger Games was an†¦show more content†¦While he was in this alliance he convinced the members that he is on their side although he is purposely deceiving them and trying to protect her. The film also shows satire when Katniss mocks the organizers of the games by sarcastically repeat ing the infamous Hunger Games slogan. Again satire can be seen when Katniss and Peeta’s love during the games forces a shift in the rules of the games and allowed two winners versus one. When the new rules of the games got reversed, Katniss and Peeta decide to eat poisonous berries and kill themselves. They wanted to show that they were in control of their own lives even in their current situation. This affected the social and political change by changing the expectations of the game makers and citizens in the capital city. Academy Award nominee Jennifer Lawrence plays Katniss. She has established herself as one of Hollywoods most promising young actresses. She has also had roles in other films such as â€Å"Like Crazy†, â€Å"Silver Lining’s Palybook†, and â€Å"House at The End of the Street.†Her role in The Hunger Games made her extremely popular with the movie going public especially young girls and earned her the title ‘star actorâ€⠄¢. â€Å"A star is a distinctive screen persona, who is well–known and popular with the movie going public, often to the point that some avid movie fans become deeply curious about the actor’s privateShow MoreRelatedThe Hunger Games : Movie Review Essay984 Words  | 4 PagesThe Hunger Games 2012 movie Review The 2012 American science fiction film directed by Gary Ross is noted to be one of the most exciting motion pictures of its time. It became the first of a series of other films under the same name based on the fictional novels by Suzanne Collins, similarly using the same title. The film story is seen to take place in community where ferocity and atrocious behaviors are the only means by which members know. The hunger games movie is a thrilling, moving, intensely-feltRead MoreSociology of Hunger Games1719 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Sociology of â€Å"Hunger Games†By. Tom ************ Soc 101 11/17/13 Introduction The nation of Panem has risen out of the ravaged ruins of what was once known as North America. 74 years ago, the poverty-stricken districts of Panem rebelled against the wealthy, controlling the Capitol. After its crushing victory, the Capitol devised the Hunger Games as an annual reminder to the twelve districts of its authority, and as continuing punishment for the rebellionRead MoreAnalyzing the Hunger Games Essay1829 Words  | 8 Pagescontrolled by the powerful. Shall a film maker (writer, director, or producer) want their film to be a box office success the film must be created by the normative standards that have been set by those controlling the industry. Typically those regulating the media are the banks and a number of media companies (Horne, 2001; Mantsios, 2013). 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This film helped â€Å"reanimate the horror genre, bringing a much more realistic vision of terror to the screen†(Machosky). Gary Streiner, the sound engineer for Night of the Living Dead said, â€Å"Bottom line, it was the first horror film to do what it didRead MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins2028 Words  | 9 Pages For example, in the novel, The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins the leaders from the Capitol show dehumanization on a grand scale with a callous disregard for the value of its citizen’s lives. The annual Hunger Games consist of twenty-four children ages twelve to eighteen, two from each of the twelve districts, who have to fight to the death. These Games occur in an arena which the game makers of the Capitol control with technology. 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