Thursday, August 27, 2020
Significance of social media in business operations
Acquaintance Background with the examination Contemporarily, change is one of the most consistent components that organizations need to consider over the span of their tasks. This statement features why the previous not many decades have been portrayed by significant social, financial, and mechanical changes radiating from outside market powers, for example, political, monetary, innovative, social, and lawful environments.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Significance of internet based life in business activities explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More These progressions have prompted the rise of a heap of chances and dangers inside the business condition. Changes happening in the large scale condition have prompted an addition in the pace of development and advancement. Likewise, social and mechanical changes have persuaded business people to put resources into new and constant item improvement in the interest for financial supportability. The Intern et is sorted among the top advancements of the 21st century. Its improvement has prompted the augmentation in the quantity of advancements that are being embraced. The development of various electronic applications and stages is one of the courses through which the Internet has been used. Web improvement has prompted the augmentation in the pace of network among customers. Its advancement has essentially affected consumers’ conduct. In addition, the effect of the Internet can be felt through a bunch of uses in different market fragments, for example, contributing, shopping, banking, learning, and amusement (Brunty et al. 2013). The pattern with respect to mechanical advancement will proceed into what's to come. Thus, it is principal for organizations to grasp the developing mechanical changes so as to accomplish business progression. Organizations ought to assess how they can use developing changes so as to succeed. For instance, associations and business people should exploi t the mechanical developments (Brunty et al. 2013). Informal communities are one of the developments that business people can use in their mission to accomplish their objectives. Jadhav et al. (2009) characterize informal community to incorporate â€Å"a social structure made of hubs, which are normally people or associations tied by at least one explicit kinds of relations, for example, monetary trade, fellowship, exchange and web joins among others†(p. 49).Advertising Looking for report on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Social systems have changed correspondence in associations fundamentally. Traditionally, the media was utilized to convey to target populace. Online networking has changed this type of correspondence. Presently, online life gives organizations a chance to cooperate with existing and possible clients. Aside from advertising, organizations can likewise use internet based life in different regions of the executives, for example, human asset the board and innovative work. Proclamation of the issue The high pace of advancement concerning interpersonal organizations has prompted the rise of a wide scope of web based life advances. The online life that have been formed can be ordered into different classes, which incorporate substance networks, community oriented activities, virtual social universes, interpersonal interaction destinations, and virtual game universes. Then again, social innovations identify with messages, texting, picture sharing, and sites. In spite of the various online life innovations that have been created and their essentialness to business achievement, just a couple of organizations have coordinated these advances in their activity. The centrality of internet based life advancements in improving upper hand and business coherence is featured by Thomas and Wasmund (2011) who place that there is â€Å"not a business or a business per son that ought not be utilizing online networking in one manner or another†(p. 16). In addition, an investigation directed by Optus in 2010 uncovered that solitary 28% of little and medium-sized endeavors had incorporated web based life in their activity, which speaks to a generally little extent of all SMES. In spite of this situation, Waters (2013) places that internet based life is setting down deep roots; consequently, it is basic for business visionaries to assess how they will use web based life so as to improve their serious edge.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Significance of online networking in business activities explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Research goals This examination plans to accomplish the accompanying destinations. To assess how associations and business people can use internet based life so as to amplify benefit. To explore the internet based life techniques that associations can incorporate so as to improve hi erarchical execution and profitability. Examination inquiries To accomplish the above targets, the accompanying exploration addresses will be considered. In what manner would businesses be able to use online life to augment their gainfulness? What web based life methodologies can people and associations coordinate so as to improve their businesses’ execution and profitability Significance of the investigation Organizations can't create seriousness by just being aware of changes of happening in the business condition. Be that as it may, they need to adjust their operational techniques to advertise changes. Thomas and Wasmund (2011) are of the conclusion that authoritative change is a key component in firms’ exertion to endure. Managing such change expects associations to be lithe and envision potential changes. This investigation will give organizations’ supervisory crews understanding on how they can use web based life to build up their serious edge. A portion o f the zones that will be assessed identifying with showcasing, innovative work, and human asset the executives. Dissecting how web based life can be utilized in these zones will improve the probability of organizations modifying their operational techniques in like manner; hence improving their business establishment. For instance, utilizing internet based life will improve the likelihood of accomplishing various business objectives, for example, productivity and building up a solid human capital base. Writing survey The advancement of existing innovation and the rise of new innovation have prompted change of the business condition. Several informal communication locales have been created over the Internet in the previous few years.Advertising Searching for report on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Expanded innovative work with respect to the Internet have finished in the development of different online life stages. A portion of the basic online person to person communication destinations incorporate Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr, and MySpace. Informal communication locales have experienced exponential development because of expanded interest in innovative work. It is evaluated that roughly 4 out of 5 residents in the United States are creating, making, and taking an interest in online networking. Leanne (2012) is of the conclusion that online life has been incorporated into the consumers’ regular daily existence, which underscores the significance of coordinating developing web-based social networking systems in business activities. Remenyi (2008) opines, â€Å"Social advances are not, at this point a trend or something that will pass-by yet will have a noteworthy effect in each job, each sort of organization and in all pieces of the world†(p. 397). The effect of o nline life on business activities is something that requires business pioneers ought to consider proactively. Remenyi (2008) further states that internet based life is progressively turning into a key component in business activities. In an offer to profit by the developing web based life patterns, it is basic for organizations to assess how they can best use internet based life. Different researchers have proposed various manners by which business visionaries can use online networking. Promoting The development of web based life has significantly affected the consumers’ conduct and experience. A large number of individuals over the world can get to advertise data kindness of online networking through stages like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Linkedin, among others. Online networking has expanded the consumers’ power with respect to coordinating the discussion about a specific brand. Shoppers don't just buy items and stay placated. Be that as it may, there has been a development of a pattern whereby shoppers are progressively going to different internet based life stages for direction with respect item marks. Also, web based life has furnished purchasers with a chance to share their item involvement in the online network. Getting by in such a situation expects organizations to adjust to changing customer desires and conduct. Inability to actualize this methodology may unfavorably influence an organization’s brand. For instance, inability to consider what purchasers are stating via web-based networking media may uncover an organization’s disappointment in conveying the brand guarantee. Therefore, it is basic for organizations to alter their advertising systems to change in purchaser conduct (Sweeney Craig 2011). Showcasing is one of the regions in which organizations can use online networking advertising. The accomplishment of associations in their advertising rehearses is impacted by the adequacy with which the correspondence meth odology has been incorporated. Web based life has changed promoting from being one-dimensional marvel with respect to correspondence. Regular correspondence mediums, for example, papers, TV, and radio were tied in with conveying the expected message to the intended interest group. Be that as it may, online life has changed advertising communicat
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Titanic Feminism Critique free essay sample
In the film Titanic, ladies are viewed as underneath men and are determined what to do by men. Ladies are considered as powerless without the help of a man, which the principle character, Rose DeWitt Bukater, challenges all through the film. Rose breaks a large number of the customary â€Å"rules†of the timespan in which the film happens. Women's liberation is seen dominatingly in the film Titanic. Ladies are regarded as powerless in the film. Numerous cases occur where ladies are appeared as powerless and penniless, yet Rose winds up getting through this generalization of ladies. Rose is viewed as defenseless when she endeavors to get away from her issues by bouncing over the edge in a self destruction endeavor. At the point when Rose slips while remaining on the railing of the boat, Jack needs to spare her. This is another case of Rose being spared. In any case, Rose additionally turned this thought around by challenging against her mom and her life partner, Cal Hockley. We will compose a custom exposition test on Titanic Feminism Critique or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page She conflicts with her mother’s wishes and decides to escape with the man she adores, Jack Dawson, and not the one her mom needs her to be with, Cal. Rose additionally smokes cigarettes, which doesn't satisfy her mom. Finally, another case of defenselessness is found in the boat itself. The Titanic was alluded to with female pronouns, which gives it a women's activist character. At the point when the boat comes up short and sinks it’s appeared as defenseless, nothing could spare it. Ladies are depicted as not savable without men, yet Rose opposed this thought in the manners she conducted herself and the choices she made in the film. Ownership of ladies is seen all through the film by men attempting to have their spouses or prospective wives see ownership of ladies in the film. Cal attempts to control Rose. This is appeared in scene in which Cal carries on in viciousness to show his predominance over Rose. He says that she ought not be seen at any of the lower class parties once more. Rose at that point comments that she he was unable to treat her like a bit of property or like one of his laborers in the plant. He comments with â€Å"You are my fiancee! †and carrying on by flipping over the table and raging endlessly. By saying that he implies that he controls her, who she converses with, and where she goes. In conclusion, a comment is made to Cal concerning Rose. A companion of Cal’s says, â€Å"Congratulations, Hockley, she’s impressive! †This is depicting Rose as a prize that should have been won that Cal presently has ownership over. In this film ownership over ladies is viewed as a typical thing. Ladies are depicted as materialistic and vain in the film, particularly Rose’s mother, Ruth. Ruth just needed Rose to be with Cal as a result of his cash. Rose’s family had lost their cash due to the obligations her dad abandoned when he kicked the bucket. Ruth needed her little girl to be Cal with the goal that they could proceed with their lavish way of life. Rose and different ladies on the boat wore girdles to cause men to see them as more slender. Glances in the film were critical to the high society ladies; they generally were wearing point by point dresses that were very well fitted. Cal likewise blessings rose a fifty-six carat jewel which shows that fine things were essential to Rose. Materialistic and the character quality of being vain was seen by the ladies in continually being amazingly assembled and done up in the film. In the film Titanic, we discover that ladies can break liberated from the ownership of men. We see this in Rose breaking free and doing what she needed with who she needed. She additionally exhibits this by getting things done for herself and not being viewed as a powerless lady.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Grab 7 Orkut New Design Invitations Giveaway
Grab 7 Orkut New Design Invitations Giveaway Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Grab 7 Free Orkut New Design Invitations : GiveawayUpdated On 23/04/2017Author : Pradeep KumarTopic : GiveawayShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogWe all know that the revamped Orkut site is by-invitation only. Google sent out initial invitations to a group of active users and Google/Orkut engineers and they will invite others to the network. Recently I got invite from my friend Srivathsan. The new features are quite wonderful. But I dont think they are creative ones.Im currently having 8 Invitations for Orkut New Design, so started giveaway.How you can participate in this free Orkut Invitation giveaway?Just comment using your name and email address.Subscribe to our RSS Feeds.Optional : In the comment mention why you need this invite.Ill select 8 lucky winners via or any other online list randomizers and remember I can only give you an invite if you have Orkut account.So add me in Orkut before/after commenting here. It will be better if you can scrap me about the comment you made.P.S. Please dont approach me directly/indirectly for Orkut New Design Invites. Cheers!Winners of Orkut New Design :1. Vivek 2. Rajeel 3. Yogesh 4. Sourav 5. NishaFYI, still 2 more invites are start commenting and get the invites for free! ??READBitrix24's Kindle Fire Giveaway [EXCLUSIVE]
Monday, May 25, 2020
Positive Female Role Models Eliminate Negative Effects of...
Sexuality in the media is a major problem that influences the public both negatively and positively. The article entitles â€Å"Positive female role models eliminate negative effects of sexually violent media†written by Christopher J. Ferguson, tested four hypothesis as to whether or not the media portrayal of women influence or impact depression, anxiety and negative attitudes of women of both male or female. He also tested his hypotheses by concluding that sexuality violence is not only found in pornographic films but also nonpornograhic films. Sexually violent media encapsulates a broad category of media in which themes and violence are intermingled. For instance such media may depict physical aggression by males against females (or†¦show more content†¦Six television shows were selected that expresses strong independent females and also weak females. 7th Heaven and Gilmore girls was selected as the nonsexual and nonviolent show, The Tudors and Masters of Horror was selected as sexually violent with negative/subordinate female characters and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Law and Order are sexually violent shows with strong independent female characters. The hypothesis was tested by using three measures. For Negative attitudes towards women, Spence Helmreich, Attitudes towards Women Scale was used. It is a 15-item Likert type scale that queries respondents in regards to their beliefs about the equal rights of women in multiple dimensions.() For Depression, The Beck Depression Inventory-II was sued to identify symptoms of Depression. Scores ranging from 0 to 13 are indicative of minimum depression, 14-19 of mild depression, 20-28 of moderate depression and 29-63 of severe depression (Ferguson, 2012). For anxiety, The Beck Anxiety Inventory was used. Students were asked to complete an assignment for extra credit in the school theatre. The students were randomly given appointments where each show was appointed. They also signed a consent form and were asked to ask any question they might have before the presentation of the film. After theShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesSpecialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Art Director: Kenny Beck Text and Cover Designer: Wanda Espana OB Poll Graphics: Electra Graphics Cover Art: honey comb and a bee working / Shutterstock / LilKar Sr. Media Project Manager, Editorial: Denise Vaughn Media Project Manager, Production: Lisa Rinaldi Full-Service Project Management: Christian Holdener, S4Carlisle Publishing Services Composition: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Printer/Binder: Courier/Kendallville Cover Printer: Courier/KendalvilleRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesthe International Systems of Law in the Twentieth Century †¢ Jean H. Quataert 116 5 The Impact of the Two World Wars in a Century of Violence †¢ John H. Morrow Jr. 161 6 Locating the United States in Twentieth-Century World History †¢ Carl J. Guarneri 213 7 The Technopolitics of Cold War: Toward a Transregional Perspective †¢ Gabrielle Hecht and Paul N. Edwards 271 8 A Century of Environmental Transitions †¢ Richard P. Tucker 315 About the Contributors †¢ 343 _
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Witch Hunts The Witchcraft Act Of 1542 - 1007 Words
The idea of witchcraft was a frightening thought for many villagers that believed sorcery existed. A person who possessed magic and power was branded a witch and was considered evil. The evil they used had caused fear and lead to the belief that they were bonded with the Devil. Their magic could control the mind and body of the innocence, objects, and could even be used to inflict death. Since witches disguised in human form, it was very hard to depict who was and was not a witch. Therefore, when an unforeseen phenomenon occurred, such as sickness in animals or the devastation of crops, many concluded that there was a witch walking amongst them. The willpower to capture and punish witches lead to the formation of witch-hunters (Mastin,†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, if it was decided that less harmful offenses occurred then the convicted would be punished by a term of imprisonment (Queen Elizabeth I passed the Witchcraft Act of 1562, 2017). When Queen Elizabeth Iâ⠂¬â„¢s reign came to an end in 1603, the laws she had enforced into government were reformed by James I. Consequent to Elizabeth I’s death in the 16th century, James I claimed the throne of England and became the ruler of the land. He had a firm belief that the powers bestowed upon him derived from God and that he did not have to answer any man beneath him. As a result, James I reformed the laws that was governed by Queen Elizabeth I by broadened the Witchcraft Act of 1563 to include the death penalty to anyone who invoked evil spirits or communed with familiar spirts. The Witchcraft Act of 1563 was renamed An Act Against Conjuration, Witchcraft and Dealing with Evil and Wicked Spirits (Trueman, 2016). During the 16th century, witchcraft have become more prevalent spreading throughout parts of England. In 1612, one of England’s most infamous cases of witchcraft was reported in Lancashire, England. The infamous witch trial had tried two separate families, the Pendle Witches and the Samlesbury Witches (Lancashire Witch Trials, 2014). The Pendle Witches, twelve witches who resided in the Pendle Hil section of Lancashire, were charged with murder of ten people by
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Novel, 1984, By George Orwell - 923 Words
George Orwell, known for his dystopian novels, wrote his most famous book, 1984, in the 1940s. Almost 60 years later in 1999 the Wachowski brothers wrote and directed one of the greatest film trilogies of all time, The Matrix. Both the novel and the movies depicted post apocalyptic dystopian worlds under some form of an oppressive government. Oppression, control, and sexuality are some of the prominent themes throughout the storylines. While some may argue that the novel 1984 did not inspire the Wachowski brothers, many clear similarities, but also differences, lie within the script of the trilogy. 1984 is thought to be one of the greatest dystopian works in the 20th century. Orwell wrote the novel with allusions to both Nazi Germany and communist Russia. He told his vision of the future of the planet. The main character Winston Smith is a government worker in a dystopian society. The government controls almost all aspects of life; from their jobs to entertainment, leisure, and most importantly every citizen is constantly monitored. People do not rebel because the government controls the past. They change history in their favor to maintain complete and utter power and control. Because no memory of anything prior exists, the citizens have no knowledge of their oppression. They continue to live life under complete control and are brainwashed from birth to turn in traitors. The Matrix trilogy, a popular film series, contains several similar themes in a somewhatShow MoreRelatedThe Novel 1984 By George Orwell1332 Words  | 6 PagesOF INHUMANITY. WHAT CORE ELEMENTS OF HUMANITY THAT NOVEL EXPLORES? George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’ shows the crucial need for love, independence, hope and freedom in the midst of inhumanity. Bob Dylan once said â€Å"No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky (Dylan, n.d)†. In ‘1984’ Winston attempts to remain human whilst everyone he knows is doing otherwise. That is until he meets Julia, a young woman who surfaces desire and hope in him. Orwell shows the core elements of humanity such as independenceRead MoreThe Novel 1984 By George Orwell954 Words  | 4 PagesThe novel â€Å"1984†by George Orwell exemplifies the issues of a government with overwhelming control of the people. This government controls the reality of all of their citizens by rewriting the past, instilling fear, and through manipulation. This is an astounding story because of the realistic qualities that are present throughout the text about an extreme regulatory government and its effects. This society is overwhelming con sumed with the constructed reality that was taught to them by Big BrotherRead MoreThe Novel 1984 By George Orwell1013 Words  | 5 PagesThe novel 1984 by George Orwell exemplifies the issues of a government with overwhelming control of the people. Throughout the text there are realistic qualities that exemplify an extreme regulatory government and its effects. This government controls the reality of all of their citizens by rewriting the past, instilling fear, hindering their freedom, and through manipulation. This society is overwhelmingly consumed with the constructed reality that was taught to them by Big Brother. The authorRead MoreThe Novel 1984 by George Orwell554 Words  | 2 PagesThough written sixty-five years ago, 1984 by George Orwell was chosen by TIME magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to 2005. Orwell’s depiction of a futuristic dystopian society makes the novel prophetic and thought provoking. We will divulge into: Orwe ll’s background; Winston Smith, the novel’s protagonist, and the origin of his name; the structural conventions in the novel; Orwell’s use of important characters that’s never-seen; the story’s turning points, the mentorRead MoreOrwell s Novel, 1984, By George Orwell1235 Words  | 5 Pagesduring their time. During the peak of George Orwell’s career was when Communism was at an all-time high. Hence, he was warning the world of what terrors came with the control of a totalitarian country. In George Orwell’s novel 1984, the main character Winston fights to protect his life and preserve the real meaning of being human by rebelling against the government, all while Orwell warns the reader of what a totalitarian government can do to humanity. Orwell significantly gets his point across andRead MoreThe Novel 1984 by George Orwell Essay944 Words  | 4 Pages 1984, Orwell’s last and perhaps greatest work, deals with drastically heavy themes that still terrify his audience after 65 years. George Orwell’s story exemplifies excessive power, repression, surveillance, and manipulation in his strange, troubling dystopia full of alarming secrets that point the finger at totalitarian governments and mankind as a whole. What is even more disquieting is that 1984, previously considered science fiction, has in so many ways become a recognizable reality. OrwellRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1782 Words  | 8 PagesIn the novel 1984, by George Orwell, the government of Oceania is able to have supreme control over its population. The citizens of Oceania live in angst of the â€Å"Big Brother.†This instills a great amount of fear in the citizens who believe they must fulfill the government s expectations. The government not only invaded the person privacy of the Oceanic citizens, but they took away their basic human rights. By stiripping its citizens of their rights, like freedom of speech, The Party is able toRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell951 Words  | 4 PagesThe novel, 1984, composed by George Orwell, presents a frightening picture, where one government has complete control of the general population. The story takes place in London, England. The government that is made in the novel is controlled by Big Brother. In 1984, the protagonist, Winston, really despises the total itarian government, that tries to control all aspects of his life. So many freedoms that we all need to live a happy and healthy life are being stripped away from the citizens of OceaniaRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1289 Words  | 6 PagesThe novel â€Å"1984†by George Orwell explores the meaning of humanity and the tactics that a totalitarian government may use to strip humanity from the people in order to maintain power. The main character Winston strives to preserve his humanity throughout the novel in his ability to think freely. The government tries to control its constituent’s thoughts, through tactics of propaganda, regulation, telescreen monitors, the thought police, and five ministries. These tactics are to control the constituentRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1602 Words  | 7 Pagesupside-down society that is Nazi-Germany? While no other time period comes close, the novel we have been reading in class de als vigorously with dystopian society. 1984, by George Orwell, is a dystopian, fiction-based book that features a main character named Winston Smith, a girl named Julia, and many others who come together to make for a very intense storyline and an intriguing read. It takes place in Oceania, in 1984, while it was written in 1948. With a sense of science fiction, it’s set in near-future
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Environmental Impact on International Marketing-Free-Samples
Question: Research on Theory and Concept in General 1.Legal impact2.Social impact3.Culture/Tradition/Belief/Religion impact4.Political impact5.Local regulations impact6.Industry impact7.Technology impact8.Financial/economic impact9.Consumer Behavior impact10.Climate/seasonal impact Answer: The world has become more globalized and there are so many organizations, which are going towards international marketing. International marketing has a major impact on the people lives and generates new opportunities and challenges. International marketing is the process of decision making for the marketing strategies on the basis of possible markets outside the home industry of the company. International marketing management means creating marketing strategies for expanding the business operations in foreign country. In expanding the business in international market, there are some factors, which are impacting international marketing management. Here is the discussion about these factors and their impacts. 1.Legal Impact Laws There are some specific laws in some nations, which have great impact on the ability of an organization to operate the business in them and forbid it completely. There is an example of Thailand that has specific laws and regulations, saying that no foreign organization or person can have over 49% of the business in the country (Anastasia, 2015). So, it must be aware about the laws, if it is conducting manufacturing operations in the foreign country and wants to expand the business in the country. Licensing and Permits In any foreign country, there may be possibility that organization can operate the business after taking an expensive permit of license of business in the country to produce and sell the products. The government of that country needs these things as a manner of ensuring a significant percentage of income from the companys sales in home nation (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2013). For example, Pepsis permitted and license to Heineken to pack and sell product in Netherlands. 2.Social Impact There are so many factors, which impact a business entering in the foreign country. These factors are like; level of education, demographics and age, all contribute to the marketing activities of an individual organization in a specific country. Demographics and age play an important role in international marketing management like, it plays in domestic marketing (Fletcher and Crawford, 2013). The firms have to focus on these factors. The organization will market the products by paying attention on the age groups, for example; if the organization is marketing laptops, then it will not promote them to the senior citizens, because most of the senior citizens are computer illiterate. It indicates that it is very important to understand the significance of age and other demographic characteristics on the targeting country, where one organization is planning to sell the products and services. Moreover, the organizations have to consider the income levels of the people. It can be analyzed b y looking at the economy of that country (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2013). 3.Cultural Impact Culture is an important aspect in international marketing management. It is very important to consider the cultural differences, as it affects behavior of consumers. The organization should understand the cultural dissimilarities in foreign country. Regional Aspects There are so many times, countries to which the organization will like to offer its products, has major regional differences, which must be considered at the time of marketing. An example of this country is Canada. The country has a large population, which speaks French and they are very different than English communities, which are found in rest of the nation (Griffin and Pustay, 2012). Language When the company does international marketing, it requires paying attention on the language. An example of this is when Coca-Cola was translated into Chinese language. The organizations need to consider the regional language of the host country to eliminate the issues in communication. They need to consider different components of language, such as; verbal and non-verbal part. P4.olitical Impact In todays business world, it is very important to consider the political aspects, which impact the international marketing management. The organizations may face some political risks and instability in the market of foreign country. Political instability Political instability in a foreign nation can impact the ability of organization to market or advertise the products or services host country also. For example, if an organization is investing funds in marketing and selling the products in the nation, like; Egypt, then that business will face the risk of declined customer base if a war occurs due to political instability in that nation (Hollensen, 2007). Currency Risks In international marketing, there are always the risks, when an organization operates business in the currencies of a foreign nation, to which the organization is offering its products and services. If the company has its own money tied up in foreign currency and some economic occurrences fall, the company can lose millions in this process. For instance, in the duration of 24 September 2012 to October 2, 2012, Rial of Iran decreased approximately 60%. This type of happenings can affect the business (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2013). 5.Local regulation impact There may be differences between laws and regulations between home and host countries. Like; there are some countries, like; Brazil, France, Indonesia etc. there are some laws, which restrict imports to United States. In many countries, shortages of local regulations can raise issues for the organizations, like lack of intellectual property rights in China country. Before determining about the target country, the organizations need to compare the laws and regulations of both the countries. Relations between government and nations have significant impact on the business operations of international organizations. The governments of United States with South Africa, like; US organizations to stop their business operations in the new country (Hollensen, 2007). Along with this, the companies must be aware about the trade regulations, consumer protection laws and trade restrictions. It is important to make the international marketing efforts. For example, LOreal is the well-known brand in the cosmetic industry, which should expurgate packaging and marketing of the goods and products to fulfill with the regulations, which are present in the Middle East locations. I6.ndustry Impact Entering in international markets can be difficult for the organizations. There are so many factors, which the organizations should consider in the perspective industry, like; competitors, price, local production, etc. Along with this, they should go ahead by looking at the industry trends. First, the organization should consider the major players in the industry, because they can resist the entry in foreign country (Papadopoulos and Heslop, 2014). Local production can affect the marketing of products by influencing both acceptance and price. Whether a foreign market is accessible for the organization, it depends on that the organization can offer the products at competitive price in comparison to other local players. Thus, these are the industrial factors, which can impact the entrance of the organization in a foreign market. 7.Technological Impact In todays business world, technology factors play an important role in international marketing management. It has positive impact on the organization to enter in the new country. Organizations can use different technology innovation in the advertising and promotional activities. They can use the technologies for different purposes, such as; production and manufacturing, management of the organization, advertising, communication process etc. While entering in to foreign country, the organizations are using new technologies to operate business effectively and differently. For example, Dell is able to offer its products and services directly to its customers as Internet makes it able to make contact with the customers without having any expense (Wild, Wild and Han, 2014). By using internet, Dell is earning higher profits by catering the most profitable customers in foreign country. It can be recommended that the less developed countries should emphasize more on developing technologies and applied research with existing technology. 8.Financial/Economic Impact The wealth of a country is a major factor when an organization determines its possible target countries and how to advertise and sell the products in these countries. For example, the per capita income of Eritreans is less than $800 per year. It is possibly not good to sell $1000 side-by-side dryers and washers. Moreover, the organizations need to consider the mode of financial transactions and banking (Papadopoulos and Heslop, 2014). It has to consider that how the organization will get payment for its products and services, which it sells internationally. Sometimes, businesses get this issue for granted, which they can buy the products globally and make payment by using debit cards, credit cards, online payments and cash transfer. But it cannot be done in every case. This type of financial aspects can impact the international marketing strategy of the business. Another element in economic aspect is inflation, because it majorly influences the buying habits of consumers and their purchasing ability (Usunier, 2009). 9.Consumer Behavior Impact Consumer habits Consumer behavior has a significant impact on the international marketing management. Personality and culture are the major factors, which combine to develop the consumer behavior in every area of the world or country. When an organization wishes to market a product or service to the foreign country, then it needs to determine the society, like; whether the society is individualistic, i.e. culture with free thinking or collective, where the a group has impact on the purchasing decisions (Johnson, Lenartowicz and Apud, 2006). The organizations have to consider the psychological and societal factors, which affect the purchasing decisions in the nation, where organization is going to market and sell its products. Consumer taste Expanding the business in international markets may be very difficult for some of the organization because of the consumer tastes in the countries. It can be for the food organizations which are impacted by the eating habits of the countries. For instance, McDonalds had to completely change its image when it went to marketing its products in a nation like; India which looks at beef products as becoming off limits (Hill, 2008). They introduced their vegetarian choices in their menu. There are so many international fast food organizations, like; Wendys, KFC etc. which had to introduce the rice dishes to expand its business in Asian industry. 10.Climate Impact (Environmental) In international marketing management, the environmental factors play an important role. It has both positive and negative impact on the marketing strategy in the global market. Climate changes can impact the production and manufacturing process of organization. The organizations have to be aware about the places, which are impacted by natural disasters, like; earthquakes and typhoons. When these kinds of events occur, they can decline the customer base in that country and affect their purchasing power, which will majorly influence its business (Hoppner and Griffith, 2015). The organizations need to consider the environmental and community factors. The organization should develop the green and eco-friendly approach in the operations. The customers in the foreign countries are very concerned towards environment. Changing environment and climate have large impact on the production and marketing process of the organization in international market. Thus, these are the major factors, which have huge impact on international marketing management. International marketers are facing various factors in the international business environment, which may have intense impact on the marketing processes and activities. The organizations need to consider these factors, which are affecting the home and host country and entire international business. References Anastasia, 2015, Factors to Consider for International Marketing, Retrieved from Czinkota, M.R. and Ronkainen, I.A., 2013.International marketing. Cengage Learning. Fletcher, R. and Crawford, H., 2013.International marketing: an Asia-Pacific perspective. Pearson Higher Education AU. Griffin, R.W. and Pustay, M.W., 2012.International business. Pearson Higher Ed. Hollensen, S, 2007, Global Marketing: A Decision-Oriented Approach. London: Prentice Hall. Hoppner, J.J. and Griffith, D.A., 2015. Looking back to move forward: a review of the evolution of research in international marketing channels.Journal of Retailing,91(4), pp.610-626. Hill, C., 2008. International business: Competing in the global market place.Strategic Direction,24(9). Johnson, J.P., Lenartowicz, T. and Apud, S., 2006. Cross-cultural competence in international business: Toward a definition and a model.Journal of International Business Studies,37(4), pp.525-543. Papadopoulos, N. and Heslop, L.A., 2014.Product-country images: Impact and role in international marketing. Routledge. Usunier, J. C, 2009, Marketing Across Cultures. London: Prentice Hall. Wild, J.J., Wild, K.L. and Han, J.C., 2014.International business. Pearson Education Limited.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Analysis of the Allemande from the English Suite No 3 in G minor.(J.S Bach) essays
Analysis of the Allemande from the English Suite No 3 in G minor.(J.S Bach) essays According to Phillip Spitta the English Suites must be regarded as Bachs most deliberate and developed excursions in the suite form. J. Matheson says that they give the picture of a contented and satisfied mind delighting in order and repose In these Bach combines elements of the French tradition with the south German suite type which Johann Jacob Froberger had originated. He also assimilates some Italian influences. His ability though, to give varied forms to pieces of the same species makes the Suites easily recognizable as his own works. Generally in the Suites, the allemande prepares the way for the courante and they both form a whole. The allemande in Suite No 3 is a fine example of the grace and emotionally versatility that Bach can show on the keyboard. It consists of two sections, equal as to length, of twelve bars each. With a first look we can see that the harmonies are broad and both parts have various figures. The piece begins commonly with a short note, a semiquaver before the first bar and it is followed by an arpeggiation of the tonic chord in the left hand. We have two part texture with semiquavers against semiquavers that share the melodic sequence until bar 3. The harmony is mostly straightforward but interesting if we accept the second chord with the F sharp in the bass as a VII leading to a V7 in the next beat. The second bar continues with an arpeggiation of chord i as the passing bass sequence sets up a V chord in the third beat and resolves back to the tonic in the beginning of bar 3. Up to here the harmony seems fairly simple and we can not really see any specific mood being portrayed. In bar 3 though, a clear sequence begins in the bass and a series of arpeggiated chords lead to a first modulation in bar 6.! Already, the F natural in the start of the bar produces a richer feeling for the melody. The sequence, that starts with the tonic, descents gradually to VII, then to v and climbs...
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Abolishing the Senate of Canada Essay Sample
Abolishing the Senate of Canada Essay Sample Abolishing the Senate of Canada Essay Example Abolishing the Senate of Canada Essay Example The frustration of the public with the Senate has reached new levels. Corruption and cover-up claims have kindled a healthy debate regarding the function of the Senate in the government institutions of Canada. The concerns of the public are real. The increased need of better accountability and lessons from past mistakes make it clear that status quo cannot be accepted and there is a need for reforms. Standards that were adopted decades ago are not tolerable today. Both the public and the experts are in agreement that the Senate should not continue to operate in its current form. There is a disagreement, however, over whether there should be substantial reform or abolishment of the Senate. Public support for the abolishment of the Senate of Canada has increased in recent years. An Angus poll conducted in 1998 revealed that almost as many people support the reforming of the Senate as want to get rid of it. Only five percent were of the view that the Senate should be maintained in its c urrent state. The provinces and parliament just need to agree and a constitutional amendment can be done overnight to abolish such useless institution (Smith, 2003). It, therefore, should not be complicated for Canada to abolish and liquidate its unelected, undemocratic and ineffective Senate. Should Canada Abolish the Senate? Why or Why not? It is a common notion that countries that are marked by the powers of the provincial, national or state governments which overlap should have Upper and Lowers Houses in their parliament. It is to make sure that there are effective representations of regions and prevention of power inequalities. The Senate of Canada ought to be abolished, since the existence of the Senate in Canada is proved to be ineffective. Evidence shows that the Upper House is not useful or necessary. The Senate’s main aim is to ensure a balanced implementation of Canada’s regions. It has, however, been indicated to be an unnecessary role given to the senate. It is caused by the fact that it would be more feasible to add more House of Common seats from the relevant regions in Canada (Smith, 2003). It, however, may present a complication in the sense that there will never be the attainment of matching the population with representation in the House exactly. Also, a continuous chain of disgraceful behavior and scandals by senators has converted the red chamber into a state embarrassment. The functionality of the Senate in Canada has been reduced significantly with little expectations of change. It is the state of thing even with the claims from the Harper Government to advocate reforms of th e Senate (Hoy, 1999; Cody, 1995). While the existence of the Senate may have been a good idea or maybe even a critical idea during Canada’s formation, it does not serve real functions now except disgracing itself. Canada has a single legislature from a practical perspective. The only thing remaining is officially pronouncing it as a unicameral legislature instead of living in denial. It occurs as a result of the little complementary roles played by the Senate, while the House of Commons does most of the work. The result of it is that the Senate gets paid simply to complement the House of Common’s role. It may be considered as a misuse of the state’s revenue, and many proponents of the Senate’s abolition argue that such funds be used in a better way. It has, therefore, been indicative that the functions performed by the Senate can easily be incorporated into a more compacted role for the House of Commons (Smith, 2003). During the 1864’s Quebec Conference, which laid out Canada’s future political system, that time Attorney General, John A. MacDonald made some remarks. He observed that for the purpose of protecting the local interests and prevention of jealousies, there should be representation in the Upper House based on the principle of equality. The power and shape of the Senate were one of the key subjects of consideration a Quebec City, taking six out of 14 days (Malcolmson Myers, 2012). It now appears outlandish to imagine the Senate should use even one hour of serious argument. Instead of being the venue for regional balance or sober thought as it ought to be, the Upper Chamber has resulted in being a fountain of political cronies. It also contains former media personalities and many other unserious characters. The failure to observe and implement the power and shape of the Senate as envisaged by the Quebec Conference, however, may not be applied as one of the reasons for the abolishment of the Canadian Senate. It is due to the simple truth that the society is dynamic. The needs of any given society have a tendency to change depending on the community’s reaction to a variety of factors, such as the environment, population or even it social relations. In this way, therefore, the organizations that are found within a particular society ought to change in correspondence with such societal changes. The Canadian Senate, through such lens, may only need to be reformed so that to adapt to the existing needs of the Canadian democratic society (Malcolmson Myers, 2012; Cody, 1995). Among the main arguments for the abolition of the Senate of Canada is that it lacks support from the public. Such support from the Canadian public has been declining at an appalling rate of consistency. In any democracy, such as the republic of Canada, there is a crucial value placed in the people themselves. It occurs due to the fact that in such democracies most of the public offices and authorities continue holding their positions by virtue of being elected by the citizens of that country (Joyal, 2003). Such situation, therefore, confers virtually all power upon the public that, in turn, confers it upon the public authorities. Such power conferment by the public may be done through such process as elections and the secondary appointments and delegation of duties to other offices by the directly elected authorities. The advantage of such means of power conferment is that the citizens decide whether to support public officers or not in case they are not performing their assigned dut ies. In this case, the Senate of Canada should be abolished, since it does not receive support from the public. Since it is for the benefit of the public that the members of the Senate function, the utter dislike and lack of backing are indicative of the Canadian public’s dissatisfaction of the Senate. The Senate is said to be overwhelmed with an anti-democratic archaism with much of its attention paid to the perks that they claim to be entitled to rather than to the interest of the pubic that helped them obtain their positions (Smith, 2003). Through such philosophy, it is in the best interest of the people that the Senate of Canada is dismissed. It is the public that gives the Senate the power it wields to serve its assigned role. In case, therefore, the people feel that the same Senate does not fulfill the functions it has been given, it would only be proper if it were abolished, as a result (Joyal, 2003). It is a fact that the Canadian Senate has had a very long reputation of cronyism. It has become accustomed to impropriety. During the 1930s Beauharnois scandal is a case scenario. Two liberal senators individually profited from the construction of a hydro dam by the government on St. Lawrence River. Recently, however, the rate of scandal has increased at the same time with the Senate finding itself with even less work. The dramatic concentration of power in Ottawa under the hands of the Prime Minister’s office is an indication that the Senate no longer plays any considerable roles in the mechanism of the political system of Canada. The Senate was once regarded as an avenue for the provision of inspection and financial oversight of the state business. The increase of public observers like the Parliamentary Budget Office and the office of the auditor have, however, taken over this role entirely. Also, the absence of democratic legitimacy in the Senate hinders it from expressing disagreement with state initiatives alleging regional fairness (Joyal, 2003). In addition to all abovementioned facts there is the famous notion supported by the expenses scandal that senators give the impression that they work harder when there is a possibility to take maximum form the public pocket. They develop new and creative ways of claiming costs of travel and living avoiding the rules. Such situation is disturbingly ironic, given that Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister, took authority in 2006 making promises of making the Senate respectable and relevant again. It was through putting an end to political appointments and implementation of electing new senators process (Nadeau, 2011). As an example of Canadian Senate inefficiency and even absurdness, the legal problems of Patrick Brazeau, who was charged assault and sexual assault, can be taken. The sad affair of the resignation of Senator Joyce Fairbairn, after the declaration that she was not legally competent as she had Alzheimer’s disease but was still permitted to vote, should also be mentioned. Another consideration is the scandal of residency and travel expense involving high-profile Senators who were having problems ascertaining where they lived. The former senator’s Raymond Lavigne fraud conviction is another depressing example. The list of similar cases is very long (Sutherland, 2003; Hoy, 1999). Unfortunately, and even with the appointment of two senators from Alberta, Harper appears to have been tempted by the opportunity to reward his friends using his authority, to enable him unite his own political authority. It was exactly what his predecessors had done. It turned out to be like his once ridiculed of the Senate as a dumping area for the chosen cronies of the prime minister. Harper chose senators from among some of the failed Conservative Party candidates, few main party donors, his previous communication advisor and even his former newsman. The Senate Reform Act presented by Harper in 2011 suggested appointing senators elected through provincial votes and also giving a limitation to a term of nine years that was not renewable. It was, however, just the other day after the number of sandals, that Harper approached the Supreme Court seeking for an opinion regarding the apparent constitutional issues associated with his proposed modifications. Some authors have regarded it as contempt for the whole institution. It occurred due to the fact that the reforms would need the approval of seven provinces, including at least half of the population of Canada, which was a very stiff requirement (Nadeau, 2011). It is difficult to avoid the intuition that the passion for reform by Harper has been mainly compromised by his seven years in power. Harper seems to grind out senators who are appointed in some regions instead of encouraging elections by proposing to meet the costs. He also named Denise Batter as the Senator of Saskatchewan. Ironically, the husband of Denise Batter was Chief of Staff to the Minister of Provincial Justice during the passing of the Saskatchewan’s Senate Election Bill. Irrespective of any manifestation of idealism when in opposition, there is hardly any sitting prime minister who would want to create an actual equal, effective and elected Senate. It would be a Senate whose main function would be limiting or counterbalancing his own powers. Following such perspective, a reform of the Senate may be said to be a preoccupation of an outsider, destined to be abandoned once power is attained. It makes constructive Senate reform an absolute impossibility and not a mere remote prospect. There seems to be no way of trapping such hypocrisy (Cody, 1995). It is important to note that referring the matter to the court by Harper also puts forth the possibility of abolishing the Senate. The Supreme Court has been called upon to consider three methods of realizing it: inserting an end date, elimination of all mention of it from the Constitution or taking away its powers. It is a strategy that is worth a serious consideration (Nadeau, 2011). Proponents of the Senate may allege that its members regularly perform their work well, through reviewing and inspecting the lawmaking as the chamber of second clear-headed thought. In reality, however, the Senate does not do more than putting stamps on the legislative agenda. It basically exists as an institution where the rewarding of party loyalists for their unwavering support takes place. It is also a negative experience for taxpayers with over $100 million being incurred as costs on the Canadians annually. As an elected institution, the Senate undermines the fundamental principles of democracy. There might have been a valid reason to include the Senate in a bilateral system of governance when the Fathers of Confederation entered into an agreement in the years that led to 1867. It may have been a necessity then to tackle regional fears of a central government that was too powerful. The Senate makes it vote in party lines and does little or nothing to ensure the protection of the regional welfares of any areas of Canada. There is also a protection of the regional interests in the fields of social welfare, education and health. It is so due to the fact that the evolution of the powers division by the Constitution between the federal and regional governments. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms also avails a good check and balance against any state, federal or regional, that attempts to roughshod over the freedoms and rights of Canadians. Abolition of the Senate seems to be constitutionally hard as a reform on paper. It, however, holds the promise of being eye-catching to the party in power, as it does not involve any political power or authority loss (Smith, 2003). It, thus, subsists within the realm of possibility. Also, with the continuing legacy of patronage, futility and scandal, abolishing of the Senate appears to be the best decision. One of the arguments for the abolishing of the Canadian Senate is that it does not fulfill any meaningful purposes that are required of it. Among the original purposes of the Senate is the role of representing the interests of the Canadian provinces in the process of the formulation of legislation and policies at the federal level. It is considered to be the most fundamental function of the Canadian Senate. The Senate has also been mandated with the responsibility of issuing laws, debating them and enacting such laws. This role by the Senate, however, has been also given to the House of Commons. The House of Commons has been crucial in the general process of the legislation of laws in Canada. For instance, it is in the House of Commons that most bills originate. The reason for abolishing the Senate, in this case, would be that the roles it was made for are already transferred to the other governmental agencies and the House of Commons. According to some commentators, the complexity that may arise from such an argument would be that Senate has been instrumental in its quest to ensure that all of the regions in Canada are represented equally. It may also be necessary to look at the role that Senate plays in the legislative process in Canada from a more objective perspective. In employing such kind of perception, one would realize that the Senate is of important use in debating and enacting the legislation of intricate subjects and general nature. It is more special for the Senate, since it has a more flexible schedule for debating matters and laws. Another argument is that it is very hard to get the agreement requirement for the constitutional reform if that was the way to save the Senate. The provision of the Constitution Act of 1982 state that the amendments to the Senate need the support of Parliament and seven provinces, which represents at least half of the population. It is also the argument of proponents of the Senate abolishing that it may not accomplish the expectations of the proponents of reform. The Senate ought to dismissed, since it has been considered by many people, both laymen and experts, to be lacking democracy, unaccountable and high-handed in a number of ways. The process of appointing Senators has proven to be one with many open questions. First, they are appointed by the Prime Minister of Canada, who is appointed by the Governor General of Canada. The flaw with such process of public office appointments is that it invites various issues in a way that the possibility of considering preference values as opposed to the merits of a person. Through appointments that are made without direct elections of leaders, there may develop setbacks, such as underperformance, corruption and even unaccountability. The Senate of Canada furthers its unaccountability problem through the Board of Internal Economy. This Board is of a secretive nature characterized by weak standards of ethics. The Senate itself also suffers from weak ethical standards. Another problem with regards to the undemocratic nature of the Canadian Senate is its use of the power conferred upon it to enforce exorbitant expense rules. In the event that any scandal that involves the Senate is revealed, the already existing rules and penalties against such scandals do no serve sufficiently to cater for the particular scandal. It is so, since the penalties that have been formulated for the violators of any laws and ethical requirements are weak in themselves. The Senate Ethics Officer has become a kind of a sycophant of the Senate, since he operates under the regulation of the Senators Committee. Another complication with it is that if a particular scandal does not become public, it is more or less likely to be covered by the Sen ate (Joyal, 2003). The result of it is that the perpetrators of the abuse and any other unethical practices are left to continue with their evils. It ultimately affects the society in various ways. They include the lack of sufficient funds for projects and the split and dysfunction of the government. The Senate of Canada, since its formation, has been faced with several challenges and controversies. The challenges and scandals have dealt with a wide number of issues ranging from the basic roles of the Senate to matters that may appear moral from of the general Senatorial aspects. They have been mainly linked with the way the Senate has been perceived by the public and other opposing government bodies that appear to have the same functions as the Senate. The various reasons for which the Senate of Canada should be abolished have been considered to range from the mere roles of which it was formed to the issues of lack of accountability. The Senate has been taken as a means for public authorities to engage in illegal actions but avoid punishment for them. It has been considered to be infested with the spirit of unaccountability and disregard of democracy. Such aspects include the unfairness experienced in the regional balance quests. It has also been proved by the fact that the Senate has a great failing in the ethical standards required of it (Joyal, 2003). It has been perceived as a government body that does not, in fact, carry out the purpose for which it was established. The Senate has been said to perform certain actions for its own benefit rather than for completing its key roles. It lacks the proper support from the Canadian public. It considered vitality in the way Senate ought to run, since any dissatisfaction from the public should be looked into and it has to be ensured that actions are taken in such respect. The mere reason that the mode of appointment into the Senatorial office is not democratic in nature makes it rational to raise questions regarding its accountability and performance. It is for the various reasons stated and explained in the preceding paragraphs that the Senate of the Republican State of Canada should be dissolved.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Business Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Business Communication - Essay Example A motivated team with clearly defined goals is capable of handling tough assignments effectively and efficiently. Today, people are constantly bombarded with the message that their top priority is to single handedly emerge as the best in the process forgetting the value of teamwork. Most managers ignore this vital aspect of business forgetting that without it, the company is doomed to fail as one can not work alone. Managers need to work with a group of carefully selected individuals who will complement their skills in order to achieve a specific objective to enhance efficient running of the organization. In this paper, teamwork shall be looked at in depth, the major factors that ensure the delivery of a team and factors that lead to strained relationships within a team. Teamwork is the ultimate competitive advantage because very few people properly execute it to get the best possible results. According to Accel team (2010) building a strong team remains one of the greatest hurdles managers have to overcome. Although not an impossible task, it is time consuming and needs a great deal of patience especially since human beings are inherently unmotivated. Its place in companies and the business world at large is critical and managers have to learn the art of carefully picking out members of a team and push them towards a unified direction. A team needs an assertive leader to ensure everybody carries out their work. In essence, a hands-on leader is the backbone of the team and they set the pace for the rest of the team. They need to work with diligence and ensure the completion of their end of the deal by doing their part well. They need to motivate the team, be a source of inspiration and yet be part of the team in working towards the goal. In a team every member has a role to play; they complement one another and eventually achieving success. For teamwork to succeed, each person has to realize the importance of other team players and recognize that without
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Huge and digital strategy-case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Huge and digital strategy-case - Essay Example Retainer relationships can maintain these specific preferences of HUGE. 2. Long-term profits through long-term relations. Retainer relationships can result to long-term profits because clients can eventually see HUGE as a strategic partner for their overall growth. HUGE can reap greater revenues, if it becomes integral to their client’s strategic directions. Furthermore, long-term client relations can soon become a core competence. If these companies also grow, such as geographically and/or through offering new products and services, HUGE’s business will also grow with them. Their clients’ successes become intertwined with HUGE’s, thereby providing limitless opportunities for national and global growth. 3. Advancement of general view of the business as transformational and strategic. If HUGE is embedded into other companies in long-term retaining relations, companies might realize that digital marketing is not merely a reinforcement of traditional marketin g efforts, but a superior marketing edge. Shapiro and his staff assert that: â€Å"†¦everything will be digital†(Casadesus-Masanell and Karvounis 7). ... 010 to 2016 2010 2013 2016 Social Media 988 2,760 4,995 E-Mail 1,328 1,875 2,468 Mobile 885 4,238 8,237 Display 9,347 16,085 27,600 Search 16,308 24,613 33,319 Source: Casadesus-Masanell and Karvounis (14) Disadvantages. 1. Demand for capabilities that are not part of HUGE’s core competencies. Despite the advantages of retainer relationships, HUGE does not have existing capabilities that long-term relations entail. For instance, retainer means engaging in traditional digital marketing activities, such as display advertising and search marketing. HUGE does not have the competencies yet for these marketing channels. 2. Not related to market expansion. Retainer relationships may extend revenues per client, but it does not automatically bring in new clients. It does not allow HUGE to tap new markets or to exploit existing ones. 3. Not supportive of business model. HUGE wants to be the one-stop digital marketing firm. If it caters to the same clients, it is not growing that much at all, unless the same market grows. HUGE is not opening itself to prevailing market demand for search and display marketing, in particular, which is a mounting marketing field opportunity. Geographic Expansion Advantages. 1. Taps new markets with the same transformative needs. HUGE can tap foreign markets that have similar transformative needs. It does not have to veer far away from its business practices because it can find large, challenging projects in other countries. Some of the potential locations are Japan, UK, Norway, and Denmark. These nations have high numbers of citizens who have bought something online and a large percentage of firms with websites (Casadesus-Masanell and Karvounis 19). 2. Expands markets in a geographical way. Geographic expansion can result to market expansion.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Framework Essay to Edward Said’s Essay Example for Free
Framework Essay to Edward Said’s Essay In any part in the world, there is no place to be but home. Home is a place where we feel safe and take refuge. But how we’ll feel if this is taken away from us? The essay by Edward Said, â€Å"States†, narrates the story of about his country, Palestine, and the struggle of his country men. He also shares the passion for his homeland which we can relate to. â€Å"States†exemplify the experiences and perceptions of how important a home is to a common Palestinian. Our country is a big part of our self. As we are born, we are destined to become a part of it. It became part of our identity. Things that we grew up with meant something to us. We usually treasure things that became part of our lives. Even unconsciously, we take hold of it. Home brings us memories, memories that we want to hold on up to our last breath. It plays a big role to our development, as a child and as a person fully. Home is part of ourselves which became a foundation of who we are today. To be away from home makes us feel empty or incomplete in a sense. This is experienced by people who are exiled from their own homeland. Exiles are treated as aliens and feel shame to one’s pride. Exile is a miserable thing. Nothing can be so embarrassing than to be taken away from home. It saddens a person to feel a stranger to his own country. One is not only deprived of the social rights but as well as the freedom. As described in the essay of Edward Said an exile is referred as â€Å"present absentees†where to their homeland, they are vanished and as for the host country they are viewed as aliens. However, having troubles cannot stop a person from his will. In spite of the intense conflict between the Palestine-Israel, one cannot take away the momentum of an important occasion like wedding. Circumstances like these were illustrated in the text. A person in the middle of crisis stays positive and hopeful. Palestinians, which travel from time to time for because of occupation and safety, became used to these. One’s true happiness is in the state of thinking. He can stay happy despite of his terrible condition. Said also shares his experiences from his youth and what he knew from his country. One sad part also is the stability of the land, suppression from your own land. One is deprived of being free on his own country. Children cannot play outside without parents worrying their safety. To a place where he grew up and know to be his home became an odd place. I believe that home is very important in any living thing. It doesn’t only provide us shelter but is also a part of our personal development. It helps us build our confidence through the feeling of security. A home is like a mother to us which provides us what we need to sustain living. Our nourishment as a child is fed by the things that happen around us. These things shape the character of a person. Home builds a person’s character. Home is the environment which we live in and has an impact on our lives. To take something away from us bring us the feeling of being incomplete. We are already attached to it. Without the home that we used to be, somehow we feel lost. One feels the sense of belongingness on it. A person learns from his surrounding. We must know how to appreciate what we have considering we live in a democratic and secured country. Home is a place that nourished us when we are young. And as we became old, there is nowhere else we would want to go but home.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Incest in Kings Row :: essays research papers
Shady characters permeate this film, but they can be easily forgotten under the thick melodrama that sweeps you into the storyline. Perhaps the most disturbing character to me was Dr. Tower. I mean, really, who is this guy? From the beginning I could detect a kind of strange dynamic between Cassie and her father. After she and Parris swim together as children, she says that if her father finds out she's been swimming with Parris, he would "take a switch" to her. At first I thought maybe he was strict about her coming straight home from school or something, but as soon as I heard about the mother staying in the home all of the time, it became more clear. Cassie's mother was not insane or ill but a victim of a possessive man. By confining his wife and daughter to the home, he isolated himself, making himself unknown to anyone else in the town. As in every small town people talked in Kings Row, and Dr. Tower avoided a lot of this gossip by not allowing anyone into or out of his home. Even at Cassie's birthday party, the guests were all outside, and when Parris enters the house to thank Dr. Tower, he is quickly shooed away to go home. Did anyone else think of Forrest Gump here? I had to think of Forrest and Jenny as children and how much their interactions were like that of Cassie and Parris. Both little girls had dark and deep secrets: they were victims of incest. Cassie is pulled out of school and is not allowed to leave the house. She is timid, skiddish, and cannot look Parris in the eye when he visits their home. Dr. Tower would like us to believe that she has gone insane, as he claims his wife was, and even Parris buys this. I almost wanted to scream when Parris says, "He must've known about us," commenting on Dr. Tower murdering his daughter and commiting suicide in order to prevent Parris from living a life with a psychotic wife. Yes, Dr. Tower did know about Parris and Cassie. He knew they had a sexual relationship, and that is why he killed Cassie. Perhaps the biggest clue was when Cassie comes screaming to Parris in the middle of the night for help and then refuses his request to walk her home. She probably knew that if Parris came home with her, her father, knowing about their relationship, would kill him as well.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay
To Kill A Mocking Bird the character Tactics is a major role model to his children. During the novel Tactics teaches his children many Important values. The main values include: everyone is equal, to put yourself in other peoples shoes, and not to Judge others before you get to know them. Everyone is equal Is a major value that Tactics teaches his children. He wants to teach them that no matter what color, social status or appearance people are people and they should be treated politely and fairly.An example of this Is where Tactics chooses to defend a Negro, he shows his children that although this man Is a Negro (despised by the white community) he Is going to defend him Like any other person. â€Å"If I TLD I couldn't hold my head up In town, I couldn't represent this country In the legislature, I couldn't tell you or Gem not to do something again. †This shows that If Tactics were to refuse to represent Tom, Just because he Is a Negro, he would utterly ashamed of himself. He teaches his children that It Is wrong to treat someone Like badly Just because of their different colored skin. L don't see any harm in letting her go out there. Called look after her there as well as she does here. †This quote shows that Tactics trusts this person. It shows that he considers her as an equal adult and see's her fit to look after his children out of work hours. This sends a hidden message to his children that everyone is equal no matter what status they have. Equality is a big value that Tactics teaches his children and as they grow up they learn this valuable lesson. Understanding others is another important value that Tactics wants to teach his children.He wants them to put themselves in other peoples shoes so they can better understand people and accept them for who they are. An example of this is when Scout starts talking about her first day of school and the topic comes to Miss Caroline â€Å"-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. †˜ Tactics said that I had learned many things today and Miss Caroline had learned several things herself. She had learned not to hand something to a Cunningham, but if Walter and I had put ourselves in her shoes we'd have seen it was only an honest mistake on her part†¦. By telling Scout this, Tactics is getting his values across to his daughter. Tactics is teaching her to ‘put herself in other people's shoes'. Another example of understanding others is when Mr.. Lowell insults Tactics. â€Å"Gem see if you can stand in bib Ell's shoes for a minute. I destroyed his last shred of credibility at that trial, if he had any to begin with. The man had to have some kind of comeback, his kind always does. So if spitting in my face and threatening me will save Male Lowell one extra beating, that's something I'll gladly take†¦.. Once again Tactics Is teaching his children this Important value. In the end Gem and Scout have a better understanding of people because of their fa thers values. Do not Judge other's before you meet them Is another Important value to Tactics. Tactics wants his children not to Judge people because of gossip. An example of this Is Tom Robinson. Everyone In the town assumed he was guilty straight away, Just because he Is a Negro. â€Å"that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women,†¦You know the truth and the truth is this: some Negroes lie, some is a truth that applies to the human race and not one particular race of men. †This is an important message as it is not only for Gem and Scout but for the whole community. It teaches them not to Judge on the color of skin. It also teaches them that although one may do wrong not all are like that. Another example of Judgment is Boo Raddled. He is portrayed as a evil person through rumors and gossip. As children Gem and Scout are terrified of Boo.They listen to all the gossip and stories and make up a mental picture that he is a horrible person. But as they grow Tactics teaches them not to Judge others before you meet them and they find out that Boo is actually a kind person. â€Å"†¦ Tactics, he was real nice†¦ â€Å"Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them. †It is at this stage that Scout learns this important value and starts understanding others. Tactics eventually teaches his children this extremely important value and it makes them better people.Tactics is an important role model for his children. He teaches them many important values to get them through life. The main focus of Attic's values relates to people and how you consider, understand, and Judge them. He teaches his children all of these values and they soon have a better understanding of people. As an important role model Tactics is partly responsible for their future, and by teaching his children these values he has given them a bright one. Word count: 905
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Film Review-Hunger Games - 3033 Words
The Hunger Games Review and Critique The Hunger Games is a fantasy adventure love story about a young girl from a poor district who volunteers to take her sister place to fight to the death in the 74th Annual Hunger Games in the country’s capitol city. â€Å"Every year in the ruins of what was once North America, the evil Capitol of the nation of Panem forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. A twisted punishment for a past uprising and an ongoing government intimidation tactic, The Hunger Games are a nationally televised event in which Tributes must fight with one another until one survivor remains.†( Prior to being a film, The Hunger Games was an†¦show more content†¦While he was in this alliance he convinced the members that he is on their side although he is purposely deceiving them and trying to protect her. The film also shows satire when Katniss mocks the organizers of the games by sarcastically repeat ing the infamous Hunger Games slogan. Again satire can be seen when Katniss and Peeta’s love during the games forces a shift in the rules of the games and allowed two winners versus one. When the new rules of the games got reversed, Katniss and Peeta decide to eat poisonous berries and kill themselves. They wanted to show that they were in control of their own lives even in their current situation. This affected the social and political change by changing the expectations of the game makers and citizens in the capital city. Academy Award nominee Jennifer Lawrence plays Katniss. She has established herself as one of Hollywoods most promising young actresses. She has also had roles in other films such as â€Å"Like Crazy†, â€Å"Silver Lining’s Palybook†, and â€Å"House at The End of the Street.†Her role in The Hunger Games made her extremely popular with the movie going public especially young girls and earned her the title ‘star actorâ€⠄¢. â€Å"A star is a distinctive screen persona, who is well–known and popular with the movie going public, often to the point that some avid movie fans become deeply curious about the actor’s privateShow MoreRelatedThe Hunger Games : Movie Review Essay984 Words  | 4 PagesThe Hunger Games 2012 movie Review The 2012 American science fiction film directed by Gary Ross is noted to be one of the most exciting motion pictures of its time. It became the first of a series of other films under the same name based on the fictional novels by Suzanne Collins, similarly using the same title. The film story is seen to take place in community where ferocity and atrocious behaviors are the only means by which members know. 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