Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Novel, 1984, By George Orwell - 923 Words
George Orwell, known for his dystopian novels, wrote his most famous book, 1984, in the 1940s. Almost 60 years later in 1999 the Wachowski brothers wrote and directed one of the greatest film trilogies of all time, The Matrix. Both the novel and the movies depicted post apocalyptic dystopian worlds under some form of an oppressive government. Oppression, control, and sexuality are some of the prominent themes throughout the storylines. While some may argue that the novel 1984 did not inspire the Wachowski brothers, many clear similarities, but also differences, lie within the script of the trilogy. 1984 is thought to be one of the greatest dystopian works in the 20th century. Orwell wrote the novel with allusions to both Nazi Germany and communist Russia. He told his vision of the future of the planet. The main character Winston Smith is a government worker in a dystopian society. The government controls almost all aspects of life; from their jobs to entertainment, leisure, and most importantly every citizen is constantly monitored. People do not rebel because the government controls the past. They change history in their favor to maintain complete and utter power and control. Because no memory of anything prior exists, the citizens have no knowledge of their oppression. They continue to live life under complete control and are brainwashed from birth to turn in traitors. The Matrix trilogy, a popular film series, contains several similar themes in a somewhatShow MoreRelatedThe Novel 1984 By George Orwell1332 Words  | 6 PagesOF INHUMANITY. WHAT CORE ELEMENTS OF HUMANITY THAT NOVEL EXPLORES? George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’ shows the crucial need for love, independence, hope and freedom in the midst of inhumanity. Bob Dylan once said â€Å"No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky (Dylan, n.d)†. In ‘1984’ Winston attempts to remain human whilst everyone he knows is doing otherwise. That is until he meets Julia, a young woman who surfaces desire and hope in him. Orwell shows the core elements of humanity such as independenceRead MoreThe Novel 1984 By George Orwell954 Words  | 4 PagesThe novel â€Å"1984†by George Orwell exemplifies the issues of a government with overwhelming control of the people. This government controls the reality of all of their citizens by rewriting the past, instilling fear, and through manipulation. This is an astounding story because of the realistic qualities that are present throughout the text about an extreme regulatory government and its effects. This society is overwhelming con sumed with the constructed reality that was taught to them by Big BrotherRead MoreThe Novel 1984 By George Orwell1013 Words  | 5 PagesThe novel 1984 by George Orwell exemplifies the issues of a government with overwhelming control of the people. Throughout the text there are realistic qualities that exemplify an extreme regulatory government and its effects. This government controls the reality of all of their citizens by rewriting the past, instilling fear, hindering their freedom, and through manipulation. This society is overwhelmingly consumed with the constructed reality that was taught to them by Big Brother. The authorRead MoreThe Novel 1984 by George Orwell554 Words  | 2 PagesThough written sixty-five years ago, 1984 by George Orwell was chosen by TIME magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to 2005. Orwell’s depiction of a futuristic dystopian society makes the novel prophetic and thought provoking. We will divulge into: Orwe ll’s background; Winston Smith, the novel’s protagonist, and the origin of his name; the structural conventions in the novel; Orwell’s use of important characters that’s never-seen; the story’s turning points, the mentorRead MoreOrwell s Novel, 1984, By George Orwell1235 Words  | 5 Pagesduring their time. During the peak of George Orwell’s career was when Communism was at an all-time high. Hence, he was warning the world of what terrors came with the control of a totalitarian country. In George Orwell’s novel 1984, the main character Winston fights to protect his life and preserve the real meaning of being human by rebelling against the government, all while Orwell warns the reader of what a totalitarian government can do to humanity. Orwell significantly gets his point across andRead MoreThe Novel 1984 by George Orwell Essay944 Words  | 4 Pages 1984, Orwell’s last and perhaps greatest work, deals with drastically heavy themes that still terrify his audience after 65 years. George Orwell’s story exemplifies excessive power, repression, surveillance, and manipulation in his strange, troubling dystopia full of alarming secrets that point the finger at totalitarian governments and mankind as a whole. What is even more disquieting is that 1984, previously considered science fiction, has in so many ways become a recognizable reality. OrwellRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1782 Words  | 8 PagesIn the novel 1984, by George Orwell, the government of Oceania is able to have supreme control over its population. The citizens of Oceania live in angst of the â€Å"Big Brother.†This instills a great amount of fear in the citizens who believe they must fulfill the government s expectations. The government not only invaded the person privacy of the Oceanic citizens, but they took away their basic human rights. By stiripping its citizens of their rights, like freedom of speech, The Party is able toRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell951 Words  | 4 PagesThe novel, 1984, composed by George Orwell, presents a frightening picture, where one government has complete control of the general population. The story takes place in London, England. The government that is made in the novel is controlled by Big Brother. In 1984, the protagonist, Winston, really despises the total itarian government, that tries to control all aspects of his life. So many freedoms that we all need to live a happy and healthy life are being stripped away from the citizens of OceaniaRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1289 Words  | 6 PagesThe novel â€Å"1984†by George Orwell explores the meaning of humanity and the tactics that a totalitarian government may use to strip humanity from the people in order to maintain power. The main character Winston strives to preserve his humanity throughout the novel in his ability to think freely. The government tries to control its constituent’s thoughts, through tactics of propaganda, regulation, telescreen monitors, the thought police, and five ministries. These tactics are to control the constituentRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1602 Words  | 7 Pagesupside-down society that is Nazi-Germany? While no other time period comes close, the novel we have been reading in class de als vigorously with dystopian society. 1984, by George Orwell, is a dystopian, fiction-based book that features a main character named Winston Smith, a girl named Julia, and many others who come together to make for a very intense storyline and an intriguing read. It takes place in Oceania, in 1984, while it was written in 1948. With a sense of science fiction, it’s set in near-future
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